Functions and Pathological Dysfunctions of RNA and Proteins: ICS Symposium Honoring Wolf Prize Laureates Chuan He, Jeffrey W. Kelly, and Hiroaki Suga: June 14, 2023, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

Functions and Pathological Dysfunctions of RNA and Proteins: ICS Symposium Honoring Wolf Prize Laureates Chuan He, Jeffrey W. Kelly, and Hiroaki Suga: June 14, 2023, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel


The Annual Wolf Prize Symposia of the Israel Chemical Society (ICS) have become a significant component of the scientific landscape of the State of Israel. These highly attended events occur annually in late May or early June as part of the Wolf Prize week, usually one day before the award ceremony in the Knesset. This account covers the one-day symposium at the Weizmann Institute of Science on June 14, 2023, the Wolf Prize ceremony in the Knesset on June 15, and several other events in Israel that week, all honoring Chuan He, Jeffrey W. Kelly, and Hiroaki Suga.