We are reporting the crystal structure of the tetrabutylammonium (TBA) salt of the old Co(II) Keggin phosphotungstate anion (Co(II)POM) and a study of the magnetic behaviour of this well-known POM. It behaves as a field-induced single ion magnet (SIM) showing slow relaxing magnetization below 5 K under small DC applied magnetic fields. Raman relaxation mechanisms dominates with different relaxation times observed when switching from the TBA salt to the K salt of the Co(II)POM.
We are reporting the single crystal structure of the tetrabutylammonium (TBA) salt of the old Co(II) Keggin phosphotungstate anion (Co(II)POM) and a study of the magnetic behaviour of this well-known POM. This Co(II)POM crystallizes in a cubic cell and this high symmetry obscure a precise characterization of Co(II) coordination sphere metrics due to positional disordered. We employed DFT and SA-SOC-CASSCF as auxiliary tools to complement DC and AC magnetic data collected. The studied complex behaves as a field-induced single ion magnet (SIM) showing slow relaxing magnetization below 5 K under small DC applied magnetic fields. Raman relaxation mechanisms dominates with different relaxation times observed when switching from the TBA salt to the K salt of the Co(II)POM.