Application of psychrotolerant quorum quenching Planococcus versutus sp. L10.15T to membrane bioreactors for biofouling control at low temperatures

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2024, 10,631-638
DOI: 10.1039/D3EW00705G, Paper
Sojin Min, Hosung Lee, Joowan Lim, Sang Hyun Lee, Seungjin Lee, Kwang-Ho Choo, Chung-Hak Lee, Pyung-Kyu Park
Planococcus versutus sp. L10.15T, a psychrotolerant quorum quenching bacterium, was effective in mitigating biofouling through the degradation of N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) in membrane bioreactors at low temperatures.
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