The possibility of simulating the electronic structure of ions and atoms by quantum algorithms is studied in the example of the moscovium atom. Among all tested approaches, the variational quantum eigensolver with the problem-inspired ansatz and Adam optimizer demonstrated the highest level of scalability while simultaneously providing a high level of accuracy for the ground-state energy.
We investigate the possibility to calculate the ground-state energy of the atomic systems on a quantum computer. For this purpose we evaluate the lowest binding energy of the moscovium atom with the use of the iterative phase estimation and variational quantum eigensolver (VQE). The calculations by the VQE are performed with a disentangled unitary coupled cluster ansatz and with various types of hardware-efficient ansatze. The optimization is performed with the use of the Adam and quantum natural gradients procedures. The scalability of the ansatze and optimizers is tested by increasing the size of the basis set and the number of active electrons. The number of gates required for the iterative phase estimation and VQE is also estimated.