Sintering resistance of Pd single atoms on steam-modified ceria: deciphering the role of hydroxyl groups

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11,21285-21292
DOI: 10.1039/D3TA04200F, Paper
Yuanyuan An, Sheng-Yu Chen, Li Zhou, Beibei Wang, Guoxiu Hao, Junchen Chen, Yanli Wang, Hui Zhang, Zheng Peng, Tsung-Cheng Yang, Chia-Min Yang, Jeng-Lung Chen, Chia-Kuang Tsung, Zhi Liu, Lien-Yang Chou
OH-modified CeO2 not only anchors the loading sites of Pd, forming a stable OH-assisted doping structure to enhance sintering resistance, but also increases the active sites of Pd, enabling sustainable activity for low-temperature CO oxidation.
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