We report here the concise total syntheses of four laurane-type and guaiane-type sesquiterpenoids via oxidative Nazarov reaction, using unfunctionalized TDCs as the substrates.
Comprehensive Summary
As one of the most common structural motifs in natural products, cyclopentenones usually can be fabricated by Nazarov cyclization using divinyl ketones or functionalized tertiary divinyl carbinols (TDCs) as substrates. However, straightforward method for transforming unfunctionalized TDCs to their corresponding cyclopentenones is currently lacking. Herein, we wish to report the total syntheses of four structurally distinct terpenoids, namely laurane-type marine sesquiterpenoids isolaurene, debromoaplysin and aplysin, and guaiane sesquiterpenoid guaiadienone A, all using a novel synthetic method, named oxidative Nazarov cyclization, as the key step. This work demonstrated our robust method is suitable for synthesizing various highly substituted cyclopentenones.