Assessing the biodegradability of tire tread particles and influencing factors


Abrasion of tire tread, caused by friction between vehicle tires and road surfaces, causes release of tire wear particles (TWPs) into various environmental compartments. TWPs contribute to chemical-, microplastic-, and particulate matter pollution. Their fate remains largely unknown, especially regarding the extent and form in which they persist in the environment. This study investigated 1) the biodegradability of tread particles (TPs) in the form of ground tire tread, 2) how accelerated UV-weathering affect their biodegradability, and 3) which TP constituents are likely contributors to TP biodegradability based on their individual biodegradability. A series of closed bottle tests, with aerobic aqueous medium inoculated with activated sludge, were carried out for pristine TPs, UV-weathered TPs, and selected TP constituents; natural rubber (NR), isoprene rubber (IR), butadiene rubber (BR), and treated distillate aromatic extracts (TDAE). Biodegradation was monitored by manometric respirometry quantifying biological oxygen consumption over 28 days. Pristine TP biodegradability was found to be 4.5%. UV-weathered TPs showed higher biodegradability of 6.7% and 8.0% with similar and increased inoculum concentration, respectively. The observed TP biodegradation was mainly attributed to biodegradation of NR and TDAE, with individual biodegradability of 35.4% and 8.0%, respectively. IR and BR showed negligible biodegradability. These findings indicate biodegradability of individual constituents is decreased by a factor of 2 to 5 when compounded into TPs. Through scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis, biodegradation was found to cause surface erosion. Processes of TP biodegradation are expected to change throughout their lifetime as new constituents are incorporated from the road and others degrade and/or leach out. Tire emissions likely persist as particles with an increased fraction of synthetic rubbers and carbon black.

Dose Addition Models Accurately Predict the Subacute Effects of a Mixture of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) and Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) on Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica) Chick Mortality.


Biomonitoring data have consistently demonstrated that fish, wildlife, and humans are exposed to multiple per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water and foods. Despite ubiquitous exposure to mixtures of PFAS, there is a lack of in vivo PFAS mixture research that addresses if these chemicals act in a cumulative, dose-additive manner or if they behave independently. For this reason, there is a critical need for mixtures studies designed to evaluate the cumulative toxicity and potential chemical interactions to support the assessment of human and ecological risks as well as define appropriate regulatory actions. The primary objective of this communication was to evaluate the previously published Japanese quail chick mortality concentration-response data for PFOS and PFOA and the mixture of PFOS+PFOA and use statistical modeling to determine if the effects of the mixtures were accurately predicted by either dose- (DA) or response addition (RA) modeling. In addition, we wanted to compare different DA models to determine if one model produced more accurate predictions than the others. Results support the hypothesis of cumulative effects on shared endpoints from PFOA and PFOS co-exposure and dose additive approaches for predictive estimates of cumulative effects. Given the limited number of in vivo studies that have been executed with enough individual PFAS and PFAS mixture concentration-response data to test the hypothesis of DA for PFAS mixtures, this reanalysis of the data is an important contribution to our understanding of how PFAS mixtures act. The analysis will provide support for regulatory agencies as they begin to implement PFAS cumulative hazard assessments in higher vertebrates.

Ecotoxicity of Lead to a Phytoplankton Community: Effects of pH and Phosphorus Addition and Implications for Risk Assessment


Ecological risk assessment and water quality criteria for lead (Pb) are increasingly making use of bioavailability-based approaches to account for the impact of toxicity-modifying factors, such as pH and dissolved organic carbon. For phytoplankton, which are among the most Pb-sensitive freshwater species, a Pb bioavailability model has previously been developed based on standard single-species exposures at a high phosphorus (P) concentration and pH range of 6.0 to 8.0. It is well known that P can affect metal toxicity to phytoplankton and that the pH of many surface waters can be above 8.0. We aimed to test whether the single-species bioavailability model for Pb could predict the influence of pH on Pb toxicity to a phytoplankton community at both low and high P supply. A 10-species phytoplankton community was exposed to Pb for 28 days at two different pH levels (7.2 and 8.4) and two different P supply levels (low and high, i.e., total P input 10 and 100 µg/L, respectively) in a full factorial 2 × 2 test design. We found that the effects of total Pb on three community-level endpoints (biodiversity, community functioning, and community structure) were highly dependent on both pH and P supply. Consistent lowest-observed-effect concentrations (LOECs) ranged between 21 and >196 µg total Pb/L and between 10 and >69 µg filtered Pb/L. Long-term LOECs were generally higher, that is, 69 µg total Pb/L (42 µg filtered Pb/L) or greater, across all endpoints and conditions, indicating recovery near the end of the exposure period, and suggesting the occurrence of acclimation to Pb and/or functional redundancy. The highest toxicity of Pb for all endpoints was observed in the pH 7.2 × low P treatment, whereas the pH 8.4 × low P and pH 8.4 × high P treatment were the least sensitive treatments. At the pH 7.2 × high P treatment, the algal community showed an intermediate Pb sensitivity. The effect of pH on the toxicity of filtered Pb could not be precisely quantified because for many endpoints no effect was observed at the highest Pb concentration tested. However, the long-term LOECs (filtered Pb) at low P supply suggest a decrease in Pb toxicity of at least 1.6-fold from pH 7.2 to 8.4, whereas the single-species algal bioavailability model predicted a 2.5-fold increase. This finding suggests that bioavailability effects of pH on Pb toxicity cannot be extrapolated as such from the single species to the community level. Overall, our data indicate that, although the single-species algal Pb bioavailability model may not capture pH effects on Pb ecotoxicity in multispecies systems, the bioavailability-based hazardous concentration for 5% of the species was protective of long-term Pb effects on the structure, function, and diversity of a phytoplankton community in a relevant range of pH and P conditions. Environ Toxicol Chem 2023;00:1–17. © 2023 SETAC

Reconnaissance Survey of Organic Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Kabul and Swat Rivers of Pakistan


The Swat and Kabul Rivers of Northern Pakistan are within an important regional watershed that support river-based livelihoods and are impacted by untreated effluent discharges and municipal solid waste. Anecdotal evidence indicates that fish populations are decreasing in these rivers. One potential cause of poor aquatic health is pollution; therefore, we investigated the presence of Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs) in the river systems. Water samples were collected in the Kabul River (n=9) and Swat River (n=10) during high (summer 2018) and low (winter 2019) river flow seasons. Agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, plasticizers, chemicals in personal care products, and hormones were quantified via liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry. In the Swat River, caffeine (18 ng/L to 8452 ng/L), DEET (16 ng/L to 56 ng/L), and plasticizers (13 ng/L to 7379 ng/L) were detected at all sites during both seasons, while butachlor (16 ng/L to 98 ng/L) was detected only during high flow. In the Kabul River, caffeine (12 ng/L to 2081 ng/L) and several plasticizers (91 ng/L to 722 ng/L) were detected at all sites during both seasons, while DEET (up to 97 ng/L) was detected only during high flow. Pharmaceuticals (analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) were quantified in both rivers (up to 823 ng/L) with detection frequencies from 70-100% and 0-78%, respectively during low flow. Intermittent-use and natural seasonal processes (increased runoff and dilution from rainfall and snowmelt) yielded higher agrochemical concentrations and lower concentrations of continuous-use compounds (e.g., caffeine) during high flow. This study provides the first insight into CEC concentrations in the Swat River, additional insight into the Kabul River stressors, and overall, contaminant risks to aquatic life.

Using a Bayesian network model to predict effects of pesticides on aquatic community endpoints in a rice field – A southern European case study


Bayesian network (BN) models are increasingly used as tools to support probabilistic environmental risk assessments (ERA), as they can better account for uncertainty compared to the simpler approaches commonly used in traditional ERA. We used BNs as meta-models to link various sources of information in a probabilistic framework, to predict the risk of pesticides to aquatic communities under given scenarios. The research focused on rice fields surrounding a Spanish Natural Park Albufera, considering three selected pesticides: acetamiprid (insecticide), MCPA (herbicide), and azoxystrobin (fungicide). The developed BN linked the inputs and outputs of two pesticide models: a process-based exposure model (RICEWQ), and probabilistic effects model (PERPEST) using case-based reasoning with data from microcosm and mesocosm experiments. The model characterised risk at three levels in a hierarchy: biological endpoints (e.g., molluscs, zooplankton, insects, etc.), endpoint groups (plants, invertebrates, vertebrates, and community processes), and community. The pesticide risk to a biological endpoint was characterised as the probability of an effect for a given pesticide concentration interval. The risk to an endpoint group was calculated as the joint probability of effect on any of the endpoints in the group. Likewise, community-level risk was calculated as the joint probability of any of the endpoint groups being affected. This approach enabled comparison of risk to endpoint groups across different pesticide types. For example, in a scenario for year 2050, the predicted risk of the insecticide to the community (40% probability of effect) was dominated by the risk to invertebrates (36% risk). In contrast, herbicide-related risk to the community (63%) was resulting from risk to both plants (35%) and invertebrates (38%); the latter might here represent indirect effects of toxicity through the food chain. This novel approach combines the quantification of spatial variability of exposure with probabilistic risk prediction for different components of aquatic ecosystems.

Manganese Exacerbates Seasonal Health Declines in a Suicidally‐Breeding Mammal


Reproductive costs must be balanced with survival to maximise lifetime reproductive rates; however, some organisms invest in a single, suicidal bout of breeding known as semelparity. The northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus) is an endangered marsupial in which males, but not females, are semelparous. Northern quolls living near mining sites on Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory, Australia, accumulate manganese (Mn) in their brains, testes, and hair, and elevated Mn impacts motor performance. Whether Mn is associated with other health declines is yet unknown. Here, we show that male and female northern quolls with higher Mn accumulation had a 20% reduction in immune function and a trend toward reduced cortisol concentrations in hair. The telomere lengths of male quolls did not change pre- to post-breeding, but those with higher Mn levels had longer telomeres; in contrast, the telomeres of females shortened during the breeding season but recovered between the first year and second year of breeding. In addition, the telomeres of quolls that were re-captured declined at significantly higher rates in quolls with higher Mn between pre-breeding, breeding, and/or post-breeding seasons. Future work should determine whether changes in cortisol, immune function, or telomere length affect reproductive output or survival—particularly for semelparous males.

Sensitivity of the Neotropical Solitary Bee Centris analis F. (Hymenoptera, Apidae) to the Reference Insecticide Dimethoate for Pesticide Risk Assessment


Currently, only Apis mellifera is used in environmental regulation to evaluate the hazard of pesticides to pollinators. The low representativeness of pollinators and bee diversity in this approach may result in insufficient protection for the wild species. This scenario is intensified in tropical environments, where little is known about the effects of pesticides on solitary bees. We aimed to calculate the medium lethal dose (LD50) and medium lethal concentration (LC50) of the insecticide dimethoate in the Neotropical solitary bee Centris analis, a cavity-nesting, oil-collecting bee distributed from Brazil to Mexico. Males and females of C. analis were exposed orally to dimethoate for 48 h under laboratory conditions. Lethality was assessed every 24 h until 144 h after the beginning of the test. After the LD50 calculation, we compared the value with available LD50 values in the literature of other bee species using the species sensitivity distribution curve. In 48 h of exposure, males showed an LD50 value 1.33 times lower than females (32.78 and 43.84 ng active ingredient/bee, respectively). Centris analis was more sensitive to dimethoate than the model species A. mellifera and the solitary bee from temperate zones, Osmia lignaria. However, on a body weight basis, C. analis and A. mellifera had similar LD50 values. Ours is the first study that calculated an LD50 for a Neotropical solitary bee. Besides, the results are of crucial importance for a better understanding of the effects of pesticides on the tropical bee fauna and will help to improve the risk assessment of pesticides to bees under tropical conditions, giving attention to wild species, which are commonly neglected. Environ Toxicol Chem 2023;00:1–10. © 2023 SETAC

Laboratory Determination of Particulate‐Matter–Bound Agrochemical Toxicity among Honeybees, Mason Bees, and Painted Lady Butterflies


Pollinator population declines are global phenomena with severe consequences for native flora and agriculture. Many factors have contributed to pollinator declines including habitat loss, climate change, disease and parasitism, reductions in abundance and diversity of foraging resources, and agrochemical exposure. Particulate matter (PM) serves as a carrier of toxic agrochemicals, and pollinator mortality can occur following exposure to agrochemical-contaminated PM. Therefore, laboratory-controlled experiments were conducted to evaluate impacts of individual PM-bound agrochemicals. Honeybees (Apis mellifera), blue orchard mason bees (Osmia lignaria), and painted lady butterfly (Vanessa cardui) larvae were exposed to bifenthrin, permethrin, clothianidin, imidacloprid, abamectin, and ivermectin via suspended, airborne PM. Agrochemical concentrations in PM to which pollinators were exposed were based on concentrations observed in fugitive beef cattle feedyard PM including a “mean” treatment and a “max” treatment reflective of reported mean and maximum PM-bound agrochemical concentrations, respectively. In general, pollinators in the mean and max treatments experienced significantly higher mortality compared with controls. Honeybees were most sensitive to pyrethroids, mason bees were most sensitive to neonicotinoids, and painted lady butterfly larvae were most sensitive to macrocyclic lactones. Overall, pollinator mortality was quite low relative to established toxic effect levels derived from traditional pollinator contact toxicity tests. Furthermore, pollinator mortality resulting from exposure to individual agrochemicals via PM was less than that reported to occur at beef cattle feedyards, highlighting the importance of mixture toxicity to native and managed pollinator survival and conservation. Environ Toxicol Chem 2023;00:1–9. © 2023 SETAC

Metal Mixture Toxicity of Ni, Cu, and Zn in Freshwater Algal Communities and the Correlation of Single‐Species Sensitivities Among Single Metals: A Comparative Analysis


The effects assessment of metals is mainly based on data of single metals on single species, thereby not accounting for effects of metal mixtures or effects of species interactions. Both of these effects were tested in combination, thereby hypothesizing that the sensitivity of a community to synergistic mixture toxicity depends on the correlation of single-species sensitivities among the single metals. Single-metal and metal-mixture effects were tested in full concentration–response experiments (fixed ray of 1:1:3 and 5:1:13 mass ratio Ni:Cu:Zn) on eight single freshwater algal species and 14 algal communities of four species each. The mean correlation of single-species median effect concentrations among the single metals (Ni–Cu, Cu–Zn, and Zn–Ni) for all species in a community (r ̅ $\mathop{r}\limits^{̅}$) ranged from −0.4 to 0.9 among the communities; most of these (12/14) were positive. Functional endpoints (total biomass) were overall less sensitive than structural endpoints (Bray-Curtis similarity index) for communities with positively correlated single-species sensitivities among the single metals (r ̅ > 0.33 $\mathop{r}\limits^{̅}\gt 0.33$), suggesting that such correlations indicate functional redundancy under metal-mixture stress. Antagonistic metal-mixture interactions were predominantly found in single species, whereas metal-mixture interactions were antagonistic and surprisingly synergistic for the communities, irrespective of the reference mixture model used (concentration addition or independent action). The mixture interactions close to the carrying capacity (day 7) of communities gradually shifted from antagonism to more noninteractions with increasing correlation of single-species sensitivities among the single metals. Overall, this suggests that functional redundancy under mixed-metal stress comes at the cost of reduced biodiversity and that synergisms can emerge at the community level without any synergisms on the single-species level. Environ Toxicol Chem 2023;00:1–18. © 2023 SETAC.

Using Multiple Metal Mixture Models to Predict Toxicity of Riverine Sediment Porewater to the Benthic Life Stage of Juvenile White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus)


Five metal mixture dose-response models are used to predict toxicity of porewater to young sturgeon at areas of interest in the Upper Columbia River and to evaluate these models as tools for risk assessments. Dose components of metal mixture models include exposure to free metal ion activities or metal accumulation by biotic ligands or humic acid, whereas links of dose to response use logistic equations, independent joint action equations, or additive toxicity functions. Laboratory bioassay studies of single metal exposures to juvenile sturgeon, porewater collected in-situ in the fast-flowing Upper Columbia River, and metal mixture models are used to evaluate toxicity.

The five metal mixture models are very similar in their predictions of adverse response of juvenile sturgeon and in identifying copper (Cu) as the metal responsible for the most toxic conditions. Although the modes of toxic action and EC20 values are different among the dose models, predictions of adverse response are consistent among models because all doses are tied to the same biological responses. All models indicate that 56+5% of 122 porewater samples are predicted to have <20% adverse response, 25+5% of samples are predicted to have 20-80% adverse response, and 20+4% are predicted to have >80% adverse response of juvenile sturgeon.

The approach of combining bioassay toxicity data, compositions of field porewater, and metal mixture models to predict lack of growth and survival of aquatic organisms due to metal toxicity is an important tool that can be integrated with other information (e.g., survey studies of organism populations, lifecycle and behavior characteristics, sediment geochemistry, and food sources) to assess risks to aquatic organisms in metal-enriched ecosystems.