JTAER, Vol. 18, Pages 2057-2076: Detecting Fraudulent Transactions Using Stacked Autoencoder Kernel ELM Optimized by the Dandelion Algorithm

JTAER, Vol. 18, Pages 2057-2076: Detecting Fraudulent Transactions Using Stacked Autoencoder Kernel ELM Optimized by the Dandelion Algorithm

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research doi: 10.3390/jtaer18040103

Authors: Fatima Zohra El Hlouli Jamal Riffi Mhamed Sayyouri Mohamed Adnane Mahraz Ali Yahyaouy Khalid El Fazazy Hamid Tairi

The risk of fraudulent activity has significantly increased with the rise in digital payments. To resolve this issue there is a need for reliable real-time fraud detection technologies. This research introduced an innovative method called stacked autoencoder kernel extreme learning machine optimized by the dandelion algorithm (S-AEKELM-DA) to detect fraudulent transactions. The primary objective was to enhance the kernel extreme learning machine (KELM) performance by integrating the dandelion technique into a stacked autoencoder kernel ELM architecture. This study aimed to improve the overall effectiveness of the proposed method in fraud detection by optimizing the regularization parameter (c) and the kernel parameter (σ). To evaluate the S-AEKELM-DA approach; simulations and experiments were conducted using four credit card datasets. The results demonstrated remarkable performance, with our method achieving high accuracy, recall, precision, and F1-score in real time for detecting fraudulent transactions. These findings highlight the effectiveness and reliability of the suggested approach. By incorporating the dandelion algorithm into the S-AEKELM framework, this research advances fraud detection capabilities, thus ensuring the security of digital transactions.