Purpose: The present study examines on the corporate governance (CG) practices prevalent in India and Nepal, as Corporate Governance emphasizes on fairness, transparency, accountability and responsibility.. The present study is an attempt to add value to this domain since no previous study comparing the CG practices in these countries was so far. Problem: India and Nepal had their own share of financial crises and problems besetting the trust of investors while the former took several measures to instil trust among the stakeholders, shareholders, regulatory bodies and the public. Nepal, on the other hand, has taken initiatives in the late 2010s and is expected to fulfil the intended objectives. The present study compares and contrasts the CG practices in these two countries. Methodology: The present study is a narrative review that encompasses data from the published articles, government data, external affairs ministry, standard organizations, books, research papers etc. Further, the present study also theoretically analyses the gap and provides suggestions to the policy makers. Findings: From the theoretical analyses, it can be inferred that although both countries experienced with financial scandals, India has been a forerunner in installing CG practices widely and gained edge compared to Nepal. On the other hand, Nepal has taken the necessary initiatives to move forward in the corporate ladder with its manpower, closeness to India both geographically and politically, and vibrant economy. Originality: The present study is a first of its kind attempt to compare the corporate governance practices between India and Nepal while the future studies should focus on CG practices in all SAARC countries as well.
Role of entrepreneurship in bringing social change: A comparative analysis between Maharashtra and Bihar
Purpose: The current study intends to analyze the impact of entrepreneurship on social change in two Indian states such as Maharashtra and Bihar. Entrepreneurship is often identified with capitalism while the current study analyzes its impact on society through the available data. The current study is a first of its kind in this aspect as the studies conducted earlier focused on the economic aspects of the state. Methodology: The current review analyzes the secondary information collected from various government reports of the state and the union, research papers, theses, web articles, and books published earlier. This narrative review article intends to identify the role played by entrepreneurship on social change in these two states. Findings: The study findings provide knowledgeable insights about the role played by entrepreneurship in the state of Maharashtra, the second-highest industrialized state in the country and top contributor of the Indian economy for more than a decade. Bihar, being one of the lowest performers in terms of economic indicators, the state is also suffering from social indicators that have been exposed by the data. Implications: The study provides a bird’s eye view of the socio-economic aspects of both states and provides recommendations for the state of Bihar to improve the existing performance. Originality: The study is a novel attempt to analyze how entrepreneurship positively affects the social structure of the state.
Designing a Blockchain-Based Data Market and Pricing Data to Optimize Data Trading and Welfare
JTAER, Vol. 19, Pages 232-248: Demystifying the Combined Effect of Consistency and Seamlessness on the Omnichannel Customer Experience: A Polynomial Regression Analysis
JTAER, Vol. 19, Pages 232-248: Demystifying the Combined Effect of Consistency and Seamlessness on the Omnichannel Customer Experience: A Polynomial Regression Analysis
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research doi: 10.3390/jtaer19010013
Authors: Wei Gao Ning Jiang
Although channel consistency and seamlessness have been regarded as two critical factors in conducting omnichannel business, their combined effect has yet to be revealed. By employing a polynomial regression, this study disentangles the combined effect of channel consistency and seamlessness on customer experience in the omnichannel context. The results indicate that enhancing channel consistency and seamlessness simultaneously can improve the omnichannel customer experience. The combined effect of a high (low) level of channel consistency and a low (high) level of channel seamlessness on the omnichannel customer experience is also positive. Data vulnerability can strengthen the combined effect of channel consistency and seamlessness on customer experience in the omnichannel context. This study not only uncovers the complex influences of different combinations of channel consistency and seamlessness but also provides new insights into conducting omnichannel retail for practitioners.
JTAER, Vol. 19, Pages 209-231: Have Your Cake and Eat It? Price Discount Programs under the Membership Free Shipping Policy in Online Retailing
JTAER, Vol. 19, Pages 209-231: Have Your Cake and Eat It? Price Discount Programs under the Membership Free Shipping Policy in Online Retailing
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research doi: 10.3390/jtaer19010012
Authors: Zhipeng Tang Guowei Hua Tai Chiu Edwin Cheng Xiaowei Li Jingxin Dong
Online retailers offer free shipping services, such as threshold free shipping (TFS) and membership free shipping (MFS), to promote sales and provide a better shopping experience to consumers in online retailing. Although MFS attracts more member-consumers, it encourages consumers to place more small orders than TFS, which significantly increases the operational costs of the online retailer. To address this issue, we propose two price discount policies under the MFS service, namely the limited-time discount and the threshold discount. Then, we build analytical models under these two policies to explore the impacts of offering price discounts on the retailer’s profit and consumers’ welfare. We find that no matter which discount policy is adopted, consumers are more likely to consolidate several small orders from different time periods into a big one to obtain the discount. The economies of scale generated by consumers consolidating their orders under these discount policies can help reduce online retailers’ operational costs. Therefore, regardless of any discount policy offered by the online retailer under the MFS service, consumers will place more big orders and more member-consumers are attracted, i.e., the online retailer can have its cake and eat it too. Our research findings provide decision-making insights for practitioners who offer free shipping services and price discounts to consumers in online retailing.
Crisis Faced by a B-School
This article discusses the marketing missteps made by a prestigious B-school, exploring key concepts such as improper positioning and the imperative for repositioning. It provides an in-depth analysis of the decline in admissions at this well-established institution, culminating in a crisis. Additionally, the article explores a range of strategies available to the B-school’s founder and top management team to enhance the institution’s visibility and bolster its brand.Furthermore, it sheds light on the challenges the B-school faces, including inadequate infrastructure and other weaknesses, such as subpar research output, moderate placement offers and a low ranking in national B-school surveys. The case meticulously examines the errors made by the B-school’s leadership team, such as discontinuing advertising and the ill-advised decision to withdraw from B-school surveys.Ultimately, this article epitomizes the predicament faced by an institution that relied on its historical strengths and failed to adapt to the evolving demands of its environment. It concludes by presenting short-term and long-term strategies available to decision-makers for crisis mitigation. It highlights digital marketing as one of the short-term solutions earnestly considered by the B-school’s management to enhance brand awareness among its target audience.
JTAER, Vol. 19, Pages 188-208: Evolution of Men’s Image in Fashion Advertising: Breaking Stereotypes and Embracing Diversity
JTAER, Vol. 19, Pages 188-208: Evolution of Men’s Image in Fashion Advertising: Breaking Stereotypes and Embracing Diversity
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research doi: 10.3390/jtaer19010011
Authors: María Jesús Carrasco-Santos Carmen Cristófol-Rodríguez Ismael Begdouri-Rodríguez
This research study explores the representation of men in fashion advertising and investigates whether societal and fashion evolution has contributed to a departure from traditional stereotypes. The research methodology comprised three phases: content analysis, surveys, and in-depth interviews with an expert panel, examining how men’s clothing has been communicated in fashion over a span of 50 years, with a focus on three renowned brands: Lacoste, Burberry, and Hugo Boss. The findings reveal a notable shift in fashion advertising targeting men, characterized by increased racial diversity among models and a more diverse depiction of attitudes and poses. However, homosexual or bisexual couples remain largely unrepresented. The study highlights the influence of advertising on shaping the image of the “new man”, evident through the diminishing gender boundaries in clothing and accessories and the persistent struggle to break free from stereotypes. The study underscores the significance of ongoing efforts to promote diversity and inclusivity in fashion advertising.
JTAER, Vol. 19, Pages 172-187: The Future of Electronic Commerce in the IoT Environment
JTAER, Vol. 19, Pages 172-187: The Future of Electronic Commerce in the IoT Environment
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research doi: 10.3390/jtaer19010010
Authors: Antonina Lazić Saša Milić Dragan Vukmirović
The Internet of Things (IoT) was born from the fusion of virtual and physical space and became the initiator of many scientific fields. Economic sustainability is the key to further development and progress. To keep up with the changes, it is necessary to adapt economic models and concepts to meet the requirements of future smart environments. Today, the need for electronic commerce (e-commerce) has become an economic priority during the transition between Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0. Unlike mass production in Industry 4.0, customized production in Industry 5.0 should gain additional benefits in vertical management and decision-making concepts. The authors’ research is focused on e-commerce in a three-layer vertical IoT environment. The vertical IoT concept is composed of edge, fog, and cloud layers. Given the ubiquity of artificial intelligence in data processing, economic analysis, and predictions, this paper presents a few state-of-the-art machine learning (ML) algorithms facilitating the transition from a flat to a vertical e-commerce concept. The authors also propose hands-on ML algorithms for a few e-commerce types: consumer–consumer and consumer–company–consumer relationships. These algorithms are mainly composed of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), natural language understanding (NLU), sequential pattern mining (SPM), reinforcement learning (RL for agent training), algorithms for clicking on the item prediction, consumer behavior learning, etc. All presented concepts, algorithms, and models are described in detail.