Guest Editorial: Critical and Creative Practices of Global Citizenship Education in the Digital Age of Information and Communication Technologies

Journal of Creative Communications, Volume 19, Issue 1, Page 7-12, March 2024.
Much has been written about the affordances and limitations of new and globalised learning technologies for educating democratic communities. However, the connection between global citizenship education (GCE) and information and communication technologies (ICTs) remains relatively underexplored, especially concerning their impact on promoting critical consciousness and social justice. This lack of exploration creates a knowledge gap, as we currently fall short of a comprehensive understanding of how educators worldwide utilise ICTs to foster GCE critically and ethically, and more broadly contribute to the common good—considered a pivotal element of political and social morality. This special issue examines how educators are effectively integrating GCE into their classroom practices in the digital age.
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Leveraging Online Teaching and Learning to Foster Critical Global Citizenship Education: Higher Education Faculty’s Perceptions and Practices from Japan

Journal of Creative Communications, Ahead of Print.
This study investigates how eight higher education (HE) faculties located in Japan perceive and implement Global Citizenship Education (GCE) as a critically oriented pedagogy in the online course ‘Perspectives on Global Citizenship Education’. The main instruments of the study were questionnaires and interviews. The data collected were scrutinised with the use of the grounded theory and constant comparative method. Four notions of GCE surfaced from the data. According to the HE faculty, a critically oriented GCE should: (a) develop students’ empathetic identification, (b) cultivate students’ critical agency, (c) foster students’ self-confidence and inclusive mindset and (d) encourage students’ community participation. Building on the findings, this article concludes by advancing a proposal for a critical pedagogical framework for GCE online teaching and learning in Japanese HE.
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