Convergence, Ahead of Print.
This article introduces the special issue, ‘Social Media and Platform Work: Stories, Practices, and Workers’ Organisation’. In recent years, platform labour studies have increasingly focused on how the growing platformisation of labour has changed work activities, labour processes, work organising, identities, and collectivities. The literature has highlighted the role of media, communication, and social media in platform labour, but more research is needed on these interrelationships. Precisely, the analysis of platform work is necessary due to its complexity and interest in political, economic, social, cultural, and health terms. Throughout the special issue, different contributions are presented that analyse how the emergence of these new jobs brings a set of inequalities that complexify the notion of ‘work’ and dilute workers’ rights, leading to a precarious situation. The use of social media plays a crucial role in the platformisation of labour as it enables the creation of social relationships between workers but also opens the door to communicating, disseminating their work, and even learning informally and about their work. However, the use of social media can also lead to a precarious combination of platform work and content creation – or cultural production. In this regard, it is worth noting to analyse and approach the relationship between platform work and social networks precisely by addressing both perspectives, considering possible vulnerabilities derived from these situations and situations of precariousness.