Consumption Patterns of Female Lifestyle Influencers During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Thematic Sentiment Analysis Based on the Comments of Selected YouTube Videos

Journal of Creative Communications, Ahead of Print.
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected every walk of human life in unprecedented ways. During the lockdown, social media tools became a driving force leading to their best usage and receiving recognition for entertaining, learning and influencing daily lifestyles. Social Media Influencers have been admired and acknowledged for influencing people and providing innovative solutions to day-to-day problems maintaining a standard livelihood. This study evaluates the engagement of Indian female influencers during the pandemic extracting the reaction of audiences towards the content uploaded to YouTube through sentiment analysis, by classifying the influencers into five categories, such as Beauty & Fashion, Comedy, Food, Health & Fitness and Travel. The study reveals upload of content to YouTube increased rigorously during the pandemic however comments posted by audiences decrease simultaneously. Yet, the sentiment of the audience is substantially positive, primarily towards the food category. The duration of content uploaded is short and conveniently less time-consuming for the audience, attracting their attention and leading to prompt mention, feedback and comments within the 24-h of uploading content to YouTube. The study highlights that females are abruptly adapting to the social changes and also making it resourceful for the community by practising social media.
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Sentiment Analysis of Users’ Comments on Indian Hindi News Channels Using Mozdeh: An Evaluation Based on YouTube Videos

Journal of Creative Communications, Ahead of Print.
Sentiment analysis is the channel to pick out the text from the social media dataset to inquire about the positive and negative opinions of the statement and its subjective and objectiveness. The purpose of the study is to manifest the sentiment of the text posted in five Hindi news channels, that is, AajTak, ABP News, India TV, NDTV India and Republic Bharat on YouTube are investigated by adopting the Mozdeh software to highlight the sequential temperament of the viewers by evaluating the positive and negative sentiments. The present study is subsequently limited to the data being extracted and evaluated by the software Mozdeh. The sentiments of each Hindi news channel are analysed along with the top word frequencies and displaying the time-series graph. The investigation presents that the channel with maximum average positive average negative sentiment belongs to India TV and the female category was in the peak compared to male altogether but the unidentified gender was the highest. During the time series analysis, the year 2020 was seen to be the most productive year since all the spikes were precisely detected. The audience of these channels turns out to be more attentive towards the political and entertainment news world. The study also highlights the tendency and interest of the common audiences to watch the news which dedicates that people are usually unsatisfied with the content being displayed in the videos and the common concentration is mostly based on the political news.
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