Segmenting and Targeting Fashion Consumers Using Social Media: A Study of Consumer Behaviour

Journal of Creative Communications, Ahead of Print.
The review of this research study segments online consumers into different consumer categories based on how they perceive and relate to the fashion business through social media. Therefore, the diversified nuances of consumer behaviour have been studied in this paper. The study focuses on two crucial stages that have a significant influence on social media usage in the world of fashion. This study categorises consumers into groups based on their perceptions and relationships they have with the fashion brands, using K-means cluster analysis. It is a ground-breaking study in the fashion world because it adopts the fashion consumer–brand relationship index and fashion consumer brand perception index with the aid of social media, laying a solid foundation for similar studies to be conducted in other fashion industry verticals. Policymakers might use the study’s results to build strategies to enhance consumer behaviour of marketers in the world of fashion.
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