Wikipedia and AI: Access, representation, and advocacy in the age of large language models

Convergence, Ahead of Print.
Wikipedia, despite its volunteer-driven nature, stands as a trustworthy repository of information, thanks to its transparent and verifiable processes. However, Large Language Models (LLMs) often use Wikipedia as a source without acknowledging it, creating a disconnect between users and Wikipedia’s rich framework. This poses a triple threat to information literacy, Wikipedia’s vitality, and the potential for dynamic, updated information. This article explores the interplay between representation, accessibility, and LLMs on Wikipedia, highlighting the importance of preserving Wikipedia as a space for access, representation, and ultimately advocacy in an increasingly LLM-dominated information landscape. This article contends that, despite being over two decades old, Wikipedia remains vital not only for knowledge accumulation but also as a sanctuary for the future of knowledge representation, championing representation and accessibility in the age of closed-system LLMs.

The (not so) secret governors of the internet: Morality policing and platform politics

Convergence, Ahead of Print.
A growing body of academic work on internet governance focuses on the ‘deplatforming of sex’, or the removal and suppression of sexual expression from the internet. Often, this is linked to the 2018 passing of FOSTA/SESTA – much-criticized twin bills that make internet intermediaries liable for content that promotes or facilitates prostitution or sex trafficking. We suggest analyzing both internet governance and the deplatforming of sex in conjunction with long-term agendas of conservative lobbying groups. Specifically, we combine media historiography, policy analysis, and thematic and discourse analysis of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation’s (NCOSE, formerly Morality in Media) press releases and media texts to show how conservative moral entrepreneurs weaponize ideas of morality, obscenity, and harm in internet governance. We illustrate how NCOSE has, directly and indirectly, interfered in internet governance, first by lobbying for rigorous enforcement of obscenity laws and then for creating internet-specific obscenity laws (which we argue CDA, COPA, and FOSTA/SESTA all were for NCOSE). We show how NCOSE adjusted their rhetoric to first link pornography to addiction and pedophilia and later to trafficking and exploitation; how they took advantage of the #metoo momentum; mastered legal language, and incorporated an explicit anti-internet stance.