The Chinese Love Affair with Indian Films: A Promising Future

India Quarterly, Volume 79, Issue 3, Page 370-386, September 2023.
This cross-sectional study examines the acceptance of Indian cinema among Chinese cinephiles to determine how the audience perceives and is influenced after watching Indian films. Researchers surveyed the local Chinese audience and collected 2,129 valid self-structured e-questionnaires. Respondents belonged to Mainland China. Results showed significant characteristics that make Indian movies attractive to about 50% of the Chinese population. Findings also indicate that Chinese people still welcome good stories from India in blockbuster Bollywood films, despite tense Sino-Indian relations. Indian cinema plays a significant role as a soft power bridging both nations. The Indian film industry will continue to evolve to satisfy the audience’s needs in the future.
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China’s Techno-Politics: The Impact on Belt and Road Partners

India Quarterly, Volume 79, Issue 3, Page 336-355, September 2023.
The impact of China’s Digital Silk Road (DSR) on countries signing the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a less explored area. This article argues that the repercussions of unregulated propagation of DSR on BRI countries are likely to go beyond economy and commerce because of the vastly different approach of China’s use of technology in its own governance. Since this aspect is inadequately covered in existing literature, an attempt is made to fill the gap. When external entities are allowed to setup large-scale digital networks, e-governance and e-commerce in technologically deficient countries of the Global South, the host country loses control over its digital data that such networks generate. Overdependence on technology of one nation can lead to a data monopoly with a potential impact on the entire polity. To what extent this hypothesis holds substance is the issue deliberated on in this article using inductive reasoning and qualitative methods.

The Chinese Love Affair with Indian Films: A Promising Future

India Quarterly, Volume 79, Issue 3, Page 370-386, September 2023.
This cross-sectional study examines the acceptance of Indian cinema among Chinese cinephiles to determine how the audience perceives and is influenced after watching Indian films. Researchers surveyed the local Chinese audience and collected 2,129 valid self-structured e-questionnaires. Respondents belonged to Mainland China. Results showed significant characteristics that make Indian movies attractive to about 50% of the Chinese population. Findings also indicate that Chinese people still welcome good stories from India in blockbuster Bollywood films, despite tense Sino-Indian relations. Indian cinema plays a significant role as a soft power bridging both nations. The Indian film industry will continue to evolve to satisfy the audience’s needs in the future.