I Do Not (Want To) Know! The Relationship Between Intentional News Avoidance and Low News Consumption
How News Found the Avoiders: The Changing News Routines of Infodemically Vulnerable Young People in England During Covid-19
What’s in a name? The effect of named entities on topic modelling interpretability
Media Salience Shifts and the Public’s Perceptions About Reality: How Fluctuations in News Media Attention Influence the Strength of Citizens’ Sociotropic Beliefs
Studying Absence: The Ephemerality of Digital News Contexts
Phases of Going Digital: A Framework for Assessing Newsroom Digitalisation Process
Emotional Markers of Disrespect: A Fourth Dimension of Perceived Political Incivility?
Communication Research, Ahead of Print. Research has investigated emotional responses to perceived political incivility but not whether aspects of emotionality may be perceived as uncivil. When politicians display or evoke anger, they may increase demo… Continue reading Emotional Markers of Disrespect: A Fourth Dimension of Perceived Political Incivility?
Selective News Avoidance: Consistency and Temporality
Communication Research, Ahead of Print. Can news avoidance be considered a stable personal “trait,” adhering to a specific group of consistent news avoiders, or is it rather a volatile “state” reflecting temporal variations in audience practices? Based… Continue reading Selective News Avoidance: Consistency and Temporality
When a Chatbot Disappoints You: Expectancy Violation in Human-Chatbot Interaction in a Social Support Context
Communication Research, Ahead of Print. Although users’ expectations of a chatbot’s performance could greatly shape their interaction experience, they have been underexplored in the context of social support where chatbots are gaining popularity. A 2 ×… Continue reading When a Chatbot Disappoints You: Expectancy Violation in Human-Chatbot Interaction in a Social Support Context