Librarians self-efficacy in ICT-based library operations and services: A survey of librarians working in libraries of Aligarh Muslim University Library System

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Ahead of Print.
This study aimed to determine the level of ICT self-efficacy among librarians working in the Libraries of Aligarh Muslim University Library System (AMULS). A structured questionnaire was used to conduct a quantitative survey. One of the researchers visited the Maulana Azad Library, Faculty and College Libraries, Departmental and Seminar Libraries, and School Libraries and distributed the questionnaire to librarians. On the other hand, librarians of the AMU regional centers’ libraries were contacted through email to complete the survey form. Of the 123 questionnaires distributed to the librarians, 102 questionnaires were received with an 82.9% response rate. Librarians mostly view ICT as having a positive impact on library operations and services. The majority of librarians are skilled in using basic ICT applications. However, they lack the necessary skills to manage ICT-based library operations and services. Inadequate ICT application training and a lack of ICT infrastructure were cited as significant barriers to librarians obtaining ICT skills. This is the first study to examine ICT self-efficacy among librarians in an Indian university. Its findings could aid in the development of strategies for integrating new technologies into libraries.