Impact of organisational, environmental, technological and human factors on cloud computing adoption for university libraries

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Ahead of Print.
Cloud computing has emerged as a transformative technology in many industries, including academia. As large information repositories, university libraries stand to benefit significantly from the increasing use of cloud computing. University library services especially in developing countries have been limited to what can be provided within the physical premises, potentially leading to a less flexible and less accessible information service delivery model. This situation is driven by the existing technology divide and the myriad challenges associated with information technology (IT) adoption, such as political instability, deficiencies in IT infrastructure, regulatory policies, organisational constraints, and government initiatives or support. To enhance the efficient service delivery of university libraries through the adoption of innovative IT, a thorough study to consider organisational, environmental, technological, and human issues is needed because it can be used as guidelines to assist university libraries in leapfrogging their efforts as a motivation for adopting cloud computing technology for efficient service delivery. The present study examines the success factors contributing to the adoption of cloud computing in university libraries. In light of the abovementioned factors, a review of 25 papers was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) approach for study selection. The review’s findings demonstrate that various factors significantly influence cloud computing adoption in university libraries. Organisational factors, including top management support, training and education, organisational intention, and readiness, speed up the adoption process. Environmental factors, including competitive pressure, regulatory policies, government support, and service provider support, also impact the adoption of cloud computing. Technology-related factors, including relative advantage, compatibility, and complexity, must be considered for successful adoption. Furthermore, the extent to which cloud computing finds acceptance within university libraries is notably shaped by human factors, encompassing elements such as the attitudes and perceptions of staff towards IT change, the internal IT proficiency within the institution, and the prior technological experiences of the staff. Based on the findings, this study recommends formulating a comprehensive framework that considers all these constituent factors to facilitate the wider adoption of cloud computing in university library settings. Such a framework should focus on providing robust top-level management support, enhancing staff education and training, considering the influence of environmental factors, addressing pertinent technological challenges, and cultivating a pro-change mindset among library personnel

Seeking and sharing information about the threat of nuclear war

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Ahead of Print.
The present study contributes to information behavior research by examining how people seek and share information related to the threat of nuclear war. To achieve this, a sample of 1279 posts submitted to Quora—a social Q&A site—were scrutinized by means of qualitative content analysis. The analysis was based on identification of three question types indicative of attempts to seek information and five answer types expressive of information sharing. The findings indicate that the online participants mainly presented opinion questions, while the role of fact questions remained marginal. While sharing threat-related information, the participants primarily offered opinion answers. To a lesser extent, the repertoire of answers also included explanation, prediction, fact, action directive and encouragement answers. The predominance of opinion answers is understandable because there is no recent experience about the use of nuclear weapons against civil targets. Therefore, much of threat-related information shared in online discussion necessarily originates from people’s personal views of what a nuclear war and its effects could be like. The findings highlight that people mainly seek opinions of other people, rather than factual information about the threat of nuclear war.

Do LIS experts select more appropriate journals than journal finders? A study about LIS journals?

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Ahead of Print.
The primary aim of the present study is to provide a comparative-analytical analysis of the proposed results of the Manuscript Matcher with the responses of Library and Information Science experts to select the most appropriate journal for manuscript submission. This study is a kind of applied research conducted using the survey-analytical method with a comparative approach. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. The designed questionnaire was sent to 38 Library and Information Science (LIS) experts. Moreover, snowball sampling was employed to select a sample of 38 people. Twelve articles published in 12 WOSCC-indexed LIS journals were randomly selected for the Manuscript Matcher analysis. Abstracts and bibliographic data of the articles were sent to the experts. Moreover, the abstracts and titles of the 12 articles were entered in the manuscript matcher, and the results were analyzed and compared with those obtained from experts' opinions. Frequency distribution, percentage, chi-squared (χ2) test, and SPSS software (version 26) were employed for data analysis. More than 70% of the statistical population were assistant professors, 36.8% of experts had more than 40 published articles, 5% had received more than 300 citations, and 2.6% of LIS experts had an h-index above 20. Compared with 62% congruent responses of experts in the target journal selection, the Manuscript Matcher showed an inferior performance of 53% congruent responses. Furthermore, no significant relationship was found between the number of citations and the experts’ h-indexes with the rate of their congruencies in selecting the target journal. Experts were more successful than Manuscript Matcher in selecting the target journal. However, the Manuscript Matcher included comprehensive coverage of publications that can facilitate the selection of a journal for researchers due to the limited knowledge of all journal finders and the time-consuming distinct search processes.

Exploring the role of student authors in the Journal of Librarianship and Information Science: Patterns, collaborations, and methodological insights

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Ahead of Print.
Assessing student participation in research and publication is essential, but this area has experienced limited exploration due to data constraints, despite the presence of open researcher profiles. Prior research noted modest student contributions but lacked in-depth analysis. Notably, in the Library and Information Science field, research on student-authored publications is scarce. This study analyzes data from student-authored papers in the Journal of Librarianship and Information Science from 1993 to 2022. Descriptive statistical analysis was employed, with various tables presenting yearly figures and data grouped by decades, along with charts to visualize changing trends over the years. The analysis reveals a significant increase in student engagement in research and publication, with student-authored papers constituting approximately 20% of all publications, highlighting their active participation in academic endeavors. Furthermore, this study underscores a marked shift toward collaborative research, with a substantial 88% of student authors engaging in internal or external collaborations for their publications. Additionally, nearly half of the student authors (48%) assumed the role of main authors, affirming their substantial contributions to research. Moreover, this study sheds light on the impact of research methodologies on student participation, with quantitative analysis emerging as the predominant approach for student-authored papers. Nevertheless, qualitative analysis may pose challenges for student-led research due to skill requirements. For future studies, broadening the scope of data collection to encompass a wider range of academic journals and analyzing the publication activities of graduate students from specific programs would be beneficial endeavors. In conclusion, this study enhances understanding of student authorship and its implications for academic publishing in the Library and Information Science field. It provides valuable insights into the evolving landscape of academic publishing and student involvement.

The use of an escape room as an immersive learning environment for building resilience to misinformation

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Ahead of Print.
The rise of misinformation as a prominent societal challenge has given rise to a plethora of educational efforts aimed at equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully navigate this increasingly daunting information environment. Librarians are on the frontlines of this challenge and have called for new approaches that go beyond more conventional information literacy education. One approach gaining attention is games, and several have emerged with promising results, largely due to their immersive nature that allows players to experience the dynamics of misinformation. In particular, game environments can be designed to highlight the psychological and emotional dimensions of misinformation, arguably the most significant shortcoming of more skills-based approaches to discerning misinformation. In this study, we developed a misinformation escape room and conducted a pilot study in five public libraries to study its effectiveness. Initial findings are encouraging. The misinformation escape room program, consisting of the gameplay plus a debrief discussion, appeared to increase awareness of certain misinformation tactics (e.g. deepfakes), generate reflection on the psychological dimensions of misinformation, and shift attitudes in ways that made many players more cautious of misinformation, potentially influencing their future social media behaviors.

Provision of research support services across the research lifecycle in university libraries

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Ahead of Print.
This study aims to identify current offerings of research support services (RSS) by Pakistani university libraries to their research community at various phases of the research lifecycle. It also offers data on the future planning of libraries about RSS and compares the results with international studies to gauge the progress of Pakistani university libraries in this direction. This study used a quantitative design to collect data from 138 reference/head librarians of university libraries across four research lifecycle stages. The Cronbach alpha reliability of the questionnaire was 0.95, and the data were analyzed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Frequency analysis and the Chi-square test were used to draw inferences. The results indicated that more than 50% of university libraries in Pakistan were providing most of the research support services associated with all stages of the research lifecycle. The majority of libraries offer traditional research support services as compared to advanced services which have been developed in recent times across the globe. The results of the study further indicated that private-sector university libraries were offering a higher level of research support services than public-sector university libraries. Furthermore, libraries associated with public sector universities showed more inclination toward offering these services as a part of their future planning. This study examined the current status of Pakistani university libraries’ research support services, grouped according to each stage of the research lifecycle. The study is an amalgamation of traditional and advanced research support services in order to give new dimensions to this area and the structured instrument designed for this study may be used by other researchers to conduct similar studies in their social setting. The findings will aid public sector university libraries in their efforts to provide their research communities with greater research support services. The results will be valuable to university and library administrators for strategic planning to meet the community’s need for research-based services.

Disconnected and disabled during the pandemic: Toward more inclusive pandemic response plans in the Global South

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Ahead of Print.
This study centers on the information world of Persons with Disabilities (PwD) living in the Global South during the COVID-19 pandemic. The intersection between information practices and disability studies have been mainly situated within the context of the Global North although the pandemic has perpetuated the global power imbalance between rich and poor countries. Based on an analysis of qualitative data collected from PwD in Vietnam during the pandemic, we found that the boundaries between individual, social, and professional domains blurred as the PwD used the same digital platforms accessible and affordable for them to meet different information needs arising from the continuous shifts and disruptions the pandemic had brought to their everyday life. The platforms also allowed the PwD to make stronger connections with themselves, others with disability, and the country during difficult times. In tandem, the PwD’s information world was characterized by the need to protect themselves from contracting the virus and to follow official pandemic response guidelines. The findings demonstrate the importance of centering disability rights and digital rights in pandemic preparedness, response, and recovery plans, particularly in countries with limited resources in Southeast Asia.

Facing Threats to Libraries and Cultural Heritage in the Russia-Ukraine War: A Case Study and Comparative Review of the Library and Information Community’s’ Responses to the Conflict

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Ahead of Print.
On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded and began a war in Ukraine. After it commenced, the international library and information community began responding. Specifically, formal public-facing response on the conflict were released by the American Library Association (ALA), Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA), Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), Danish Library Association (DLA), European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA), International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), Library Association of Latvia (LAL), and New Zealand Library Association Inc. (LIANZA). Chronicling and describing the international library and information community’s first public-facing responses addressing Russia’s war in Ukraine is the main objective of this article. Drawing upon a combined policy and thematic analysis of some of these first formal public responses, the article aims are to help account, review, and contextualize the ways in which this community considered the war during its first week and, in turn, reveal areas or issues of convergence or divergence between them. Specifically, it provides a snapshot in time revealing the international library and information community’s immediate perspectives and positions on the war during its earliest stages. For instance, the formal public responses released by the ALA, ALIA, CFLA, CILIP, DLA, EBLIDA, IFLA, LAL, and LIANZA during the war’s first week demonstrates international concern about the conflict and its affects on their Ukrainian counterparts and cultural heritage. Broad thematic convergence surfaces across the responses. Almost all plead for solutions to and resolution of the war. A majority offer solidarity for Ukrainian colleagues and all Ukrainians, support democracy and freedom of expression, asseverate for spreading accurate information about the war, and condemn Russia’s assault. Additional themes appearing in some of the responses include assisting Ukrainian refugees and displaying dismay regarding threats confronting Ukrainian cultural heritage.

Smart library themes and elements: A systematic literature review

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Ahead of Print.
In recent years, libraries worldwide have been pushing to undergo drastic changes. These transformations impact library functions from traditional to electronic, digital, hybrid, virtual and smart libraries. However, there need to be more studies that systematically examine the elements that contribute to a smart library. Therefore, this article conducted a systematic literature review on the elements contributing to the smart library as a whole rather than focusing on one particular aspect. This study aims to explore the concept of smart libraries, including their essential elements, characteristics and theoretical foundations, to contribute to a deeper understanding of their role in transforming libraries. The review for this study was based on the publication standard and integrated multiple research designs using the review protocol RepOrting standards for Systematic Evidence Syntheses (ROSES). For this study, articles were selected from two major databases, Scopus and Web of Science, and a supporting database, Google Scholar. In these databases, 19 related studies were found on elements that comprise a smart library. The study’s search strings excluded publication years to focus on identifying discussions about smart library elements. Results indicated publication dates spanning 2018–2022. Six major themes emerged from the thematic analysis of this review, including smart technology, smart services, smart people, smart governance, smart places and smart buildings. The study makes several significant contributions to practical purposes and the body of knowledge. The results explain how the elements can contribute to a smart library. The influence of ethical values in smart library elements and their contribution to library sustainability should be the subject of future research.