Not like riding a bike: How public libraries facilitate older people’s digital inclusion during the Covid-19 pandemic

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Volume 55, Issue 3, Page 704-718, September 2023.
The UK digital divide, whereby sections of society have limited use of digital technology, results in unequal access to information, knowledge, goods and services. The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated the push to a digital world, and this has challenged people who suffer digital exclusion, including older people, who are more likely to lack digital skills and understanding. Public libraries play a key role in tackling digital exclusion, providing digital skills training and support, and access to equipment and Wi-Fi thereby enhancing the social inclusion of marginalised groups. During the Covid-19 pandemic innovative solutions were piloted to help tackle digital exclusion and social isolation despite closure of face-to-face library interventions, particularly during lockdowns. This article explores evaluation of the Housing Plus Pilot, providing remote digital skills training and support to older people living in sheltered housing in Newcastle upon Tyne during 2021, delivered through partnership between Your Homes Newcastle, and Newcastle City Libraries. A qualitative case study approach examined a small sample of older people’s perceptions regarding the success of the pilot, and their digital literacy before and after training using semi-structured interviews via telephone. Findings showed that the pilot enabled older people to gain the necessary digital knowledge and skills required to boost confidence in becoming digitally literate citizens. Tackling digital fears and enabling them to reinforce learning through the provision of their own tablet, and free access to Wi-Fi in their sheltered housing provided a springboard for digital behaviour change. Use of a social setting in sheltered housing not only kept older people safe during socially distanced times, but also provided a supportive environment in which to learn and practice skills, together with a step-by-step training approach that focussed on the individual, which was wellsuited to this demographic.

How to measure service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty of public library users: Application of library customer satisfaction index (LCSI) lite model

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Volume 55, Issue 3, Page 719-733, September 2023.
This study develops a simplified Library Customer Satisfaction Index (LCSI Lite) for public libraries. Using data collected from questionnaires administered at four public libraries in South Korea, structural equation modeling was used to measure the scores. The suggested model was confirmed to have good acceptable fit, and that three dimensions of service quality (library personnel, library resources and user services, and facilities and equipment) influenced loyalty via customer satisfaction. After successful factor analysis and reliability testing, three items for library personnel, four for library resources and user services, two for facilities and equipment, two for customer satisfaction, and two for loyalty were analyzed. Means of each item in service quality were over 3.77, and those in satisfaction and loyalty were over 4.00. Direct and indirect effects of the dimensions of service quality were analyzed, with the effect of satisfaction on loyalty. LCSI Lite scores for the libraries as a whole (73.90 out of 100) and for each library were calculated using suggested formula. Finally, research and managerial implications, some recommendations and suggestions for further research, limitations, and conclusions were presented.

The effect of visual multimedia instructions against fake news spread: A quasi-experimental study with Nigerian students

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Volume 55, Issue 3, Page 694-703, September 2023.
This study examined the effect of visual multimedia instructions (guided by literacy concepts) as an intervention strategy for improving fake news knowledge, detection skills and curtailing the tendency to share fake news. We used the inoculation theory, message interpretation process (MIP) theory and cognitive theory of multimedia learning to provide a useful explanation for the interventions of literacy concept. Our study made use of 470 participants divided into two groups, comprising the control group, n = 235 and the treatment group, n = 235. After the experiment, we found that participants in the visual multimedia experimental group demonstrated a higher knowledge of fake news, better ability to detect fake news and shared more accurate news articles, compared to their counterparts who were instructed in a non-multimedia setting. We focused only on university students from one institution in Nigeria. Thus, we encourage future studies to extend beyond the student population.

The individual characteristics, organizational characteristics and research productivity of early career LIS researchers in China’s mainland: A crisp set qualitative comparative analysis (csQCA)

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Volume 55, Issue 3, Page 658-670, September 2023.
There existed discrimination, including gender discrimination, first degree discrimination, etc., when assessing the future research productivity of PhD graduates in recruitment in China’s mainland. Were PhD students who did not possess certain conditions (e.g. first degree receiving from a non-key university) unable to achieve high research productivity after graduation? Previous studies focused on the “net effects” of individual and organizational characteristics on research productivity by using quantitative methods (e.g. regression analysis). However, researchers’ research productivity might be due to the interactions of multiple factors rather than a single factor. This study aimed to analyze the effects of the combined conditions (interactions) of individual and organizational characteristics on the research productivity of early career library and information science (LIS) researchers under the context of employment discrimination in the academic job market of China’s mainland. Early career LIS researchers who graduated from China’s mainland universities/institutions between 2011 and 2015 were selected as the sample (n = 62). csQCA was employed to analyze the data. The results revealed that the effects of a single condition did not directly contribute to the occurrence of high research productivity. There were two combinations of conditions that could contribute to the high research productivity of early career LIS researchers. The first combination that contributed to the high research productivity of an early career LIS researcher was receiving his or her bachelor’s degree from a key university, publishing higher than the median number of articles indexed by Web of Science core collections (WOS) during their PhD and working in a key university after PhD graduation. The second combination was being male, publishing more than the median number of articles indexed by the WOS and the local core journals index during their PhD, and working at a key university after PhD graduation.

Public library events with spaces and collections: Case analysis of the Helsinki Central Library Oodi

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Volume 55, Issue 3, Page 681-693, September 2023.
In recent years, programmes and events have become one of the major services of public libraries. This study aimed to provide a comprehensive and detailed investigation of the types of programmes and events that occur in modern public libraries that provide new services, in addition to traditional services such as book lending. The Helsinki Central Library Oodi (Finland) was used as a case study and data posted on their webpage was collected for analysis. In Finland, as per the Library Act of 2017, public libraries are encouraged to hold programmes and events. Accordingly, various programmes and events are held at Oodi. A total of 1,330 events (excluding duplicates) took place between 13 August 2019 and 31 October 2020 and were coded using the open coding method and grouped into categories. Oodi provided users with many types of learning and experience opportunities through programmes and events, aiming to eliminate social disparities and ensure equality among citizens. Many programmes and events were held to provide citizens with a place for social interaction and dialogue, creating connections among them. The library’s traditional resource, that is, its collection, was central to many programmes and events. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, the library has been contributing to the community by holding programmes and events online. This study is the first to comprehensively elucidate the contents of programmes and events held in a modern public library, which is expected to contribute to the further dissemination and development of these types of programmes and events. Furthermore, this study promotes research on specific programmes and events and encourage discussion regarding the linkages between events.

Information disruptions and disruptive information sources in the practice of law: Obstacles in gathering information, through an Israeli lens

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Volume 55, Issue 3, Page 671-680, September 2023.
Lawyers must provide their clients with competent legal services and professional representation. However, in many cases, lawyers find it difficult to attain the necessary information to resolve legal concerns under their inquiry. Disruptive sources of information and faulty information are understudied features of professional information behavior, especially in the information-rich legal profession. The current research aims to explore these complexities and promote a fuller and more realistic understanding of the information-gathering practices of legal practitioners. Israel was chosen as a case since it upholds a thriving and active legal sector. Data was collected through in-depth, semi-structured interviews with a purposive nationwide sampling of 25 practising lawyers in Israel, covering together over thirty different fields of legal practice with a fair diversity of other personal and professional attributes. The findings portray accessibility, content, and usability disruptions in lawyers’ information practices, as well as accentuate seven troublesome information sources in their use during legal work and their distinctive aspects of disruption. This study provides important insights regarding legal professionals’ erroneous information engagement and experience and reveals some of its inherent drawbacks; hence, supporting a more rounded understanding of the role of information in professional work behavior. Hopefully, the presented concepts and insights could also benefit other service-oriented information workers.

Purposive and non-purposive information behaviour on Instagram

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Volume 55, Issue 3, Page 634-657, September 2023.
User information behaviour on Instagram was explored via 274 responses to an online survey. Instagram is recognised as a powerful visual platform and consistently reports high engagement statistics across its variety of users. Research on Instagram to date has focussed on marketing communications theory, in particular its production of influencers as a new type of celebrity and source. The authors undertook an exploratory study to examine user interaction with the platform from the perspective of information behaviour research. The survey sought data relating to the rich body of information behaviour theory, particularly in relation to the needs or motivations underpinning information seeking, preferred sources of information and criteria for their evaluation, trust of Instagram creators and purposive and non-purposive engagement with information. An evolutionary model of information behaviour on Instagram is proposed, which draws on previous studies of information behaviour. The credibility of information on Instagram was a key theme in the survey findings, with respondents varying in the degree to which they trusted information on the platform and adopting complex, time-consuming and sometimes conflicting strategies to fact check where they felt reliability was important; future research exploring this further is recommended, to help understand the role and motivations of the information seeker in this process. The research also reveals a heightened blurring in comprehension surrounding the concepts of information and opinion amongst users and academics.

A mapping review of literature on Blockchain usage by libraries: Challenges and opportunities

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Volume 55, Issue 3, Page 848-858, September 2023.
The Library and Information Science (LIS) community has started discussing some possible uses of Blockchain (BC) technologies in solving library-related problems and increasing the overall efficiency of libraries. This study aimed to systematically collect and review the relevant literature to comprehend the scope of BC for libraries, its benefits, as well as the challenges, and implications related to its use. The authors explored six reputed databases (Web of Science, Scopus, LISTA (Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts), LISA (Library and Information Science Abstracts), IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), and Google Scholar) to conduct this review. This study was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. After the final data extraction, 21 documents were considered eligible for the systematic review. A systematic review of the selected works indicated that the usage of BC in libraries ranged from record-keeping to processing payments and ensuring security and transparency. Some of the opportunities that can be hunted from BC were the elimination of corruption, enhanced security, improved efficiency of services, and better time management. Literature also indicated that a lack of awareness of technology, unskilled staff, and financial constraints could impede the adoption of BC by libraries. It is hoped that this study would provide a holistic overview of BC technologies for libraries, thus improving the effectiveness of the decision-makers. This study is first that collected (systematically) and reviewed the literature on BC usage in libraries. The review will help educational institutions and library professionals understand the usage, challenges, and benefits of BC for libraries.

Infocommunicative literacy: Conceptual structure and applications

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Volume 55, Issue 3, Page 609-616, September 2023.
The objective of this article is to contribute to the theoretical and applied development of the area of Information Literacy, considering prominent changes in the informational environment, such as the culture of participation, constant connectivity, and the emergence of content generated by artificial intelligence. It is an environment that demands information literacy, but also the ability to interact and relate: communication literacy. This article situates infocommunicative literacy theoretically, articulating the three main bases that support this study: Information Literacy, New Media Literacy (NML), and Metaliteracy. From the systematization of these concepts, a conceptual structure accompanied by application propositions is suggested.

Delivering services in the new normal: Recording the experiences of UK public library staff during the COVID-19 pandemic

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Volume 55, Issue 3, Page 617-633, September 2023.
This paper reports the results of a survey undertaken in December 2021 and January 2022 related to public library staff in the United Kingdom and their experiences of COVID-19, exploring the lockdowns that were enabled, the subsequent re-openings, their mental health and their views for the future of the service post-COVID-19. Over 200 responses were received, and the findings indicate a range of views. The importance of the library as a community resource is evident in the comments from staff, and their observations of patrons on library re-openings. Findings also indicate concern for the future of the library service, and fear that new technologies like e-books may be seen as adequate replacements for the traditional library service. Findings also indicate staff face stress and mental health issues in terms of dealing with patrons while the virus remains highly prevalent.