Comparing Sustainable Procurement in Green Supply Chain Practices Across Indian Manufacturing and Service Sectors

Business Perspectives and Research, Ahead of Print.
After COVID, Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), suppliers, and distributors are seeking to streamline their local, and global supply chains, the issue has gained attention in how they identify, analyze and manage their procurement and supply chain processes with stakeholders. The use of supply chain adoption with green technology has been found to be preferred in international trade, which is forcing the Indian manufacturing, and services sector to realign their CSR (Corporate social responsibility) goals. Interviews have been conducted with a mix of manufacturing and service firms in India to map their sustainable procurement in green supply chain practices. The use of MAXQDA software for conducting thematic analysis to support the inductive theory and trend-building practices to know “what, why, and how” from interview responses. Each sector, manufacturing, and service showed distinct trends that divorce their approach to green SCM, and supply chain strategy for sustainable procurement though they have spread awareness about sustainable procurement with stakeholders, emphasizing economic benefits. Additionally, they pursued jointly to address environmental issues and extend societal benefits as a CSR effort. Variances in approaches in manufacturing are market-linked, time-based, and demand-driven while services firms showed green technology pledges as CSR initiatives along with an environmental emphasis in downstream SCM activities.