Matkasym: An Entrepreneurial Journey from Bazaar to Factory

South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, Volume 12, Issue 2, Page 194-206, August 2023.
This case study examines the entrepreneurial journey of Ubai Matkasymov and his company, Matkasym. Started as a small shop in a bazaar in Kyrgyzstan, the company grew rapidly to become within six years the country’s leading manufacturer of goods made from metal sheets. Three key transition events that led to the company’s success are highlighted: tapping into the digital television switch by adoption of reverse engineering, establishing a relative distinction with the large Safe City Project and dominating the supply of key goods during COVID-19. Based on his decision-making patterns during times of uncertainty, a comment is made on Matkasymov’s entrepreneurial characteristics, such as his clear vision, curiosity and risk-taking. The study provides insights into how an entrepreneur with a venturesome approach can seize opportunities to build a competitive advantage and transform a small business into a successful manufacturing enterprise.