Work-Cognition and Subjective Well-being Among Female Professional Educators During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Moderating Role of Resilience

Business Perspectives and Research, Ahead of Print.
Teaching demands educators to be both caretakers and educators, leading to significant cognitive and emotional strain. The pandemic has worsened these challenges, requiring teachers to seek psychological and professional support. Online teaching has added to these difficulties, with educators having to adapt to new technologies while managing virtual classrooms and addressing the unique needs of students in remote learning environments. This present study sought to understand the relationship between work cognition (WCog) and subjective well-being (SWB) among female professional educators during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study also examines the moderating effect of Resilience (RSL) on the association between WCog and SWB. Using a purposive sampling technique, data was collected through an online survey from 181 female professional educators in India. Female professional educators reported moderate levels of WCog, high levels of RSL, and high levels of SWB, which indicates that the female professional educators faced cognitive and emotional strain during online teaching but demonstrated resilience and maintained positive well-being. RSL moderated the relationship between WCog and SWB, highlighting its influence on educators’ cognitive management and well-being during online teaching. These insights have implications for support system to enhance the well-being of educators and promoting their professional development.