South African Journal of Psychology, Ahead of Print.
There is a growing trend worldwide to offer fertility preservation to newly diagnosed cancer patients, but little research exploring the experience of fertility preservation among this population exists. Our aim was to explore fertility preservation among female cancer survivors in South Africa. We conducted interviews with 10 women who received fertility preservation at fertility clinics in Cape Town and Johannesburg. Interviews lasted between 38 and 76 min and were audio recorded, transcribed, and then entered into ATLAS.ti. We analysed the interviews using reflexive thematic analysis. Four themes were constructed, namely (1) entering fertility preservation: motivation and risk, (2) an emotional rollercoaster, (3) needing more information, and (4) a costly source of hope. Participants reflected on choosing between cancer treatment and delaying the cancer treatment to accommodate for fertility preservation, with the importance of biological motherhood reported as a key factor. Both the cancer diagnosis and hormones taken as part of treatment resulted in participants feeling highly emotional. Participants expressed a need for more information on fertility preservation. Finally, even though the process was costly, participants reported that it was a worthwhile endeavour as it instilled in them a sense of hope. Our findings indicate that there is a need to increase awareness of fertility preservation in South Africa. Moreover, considering the pressure that patients are under, their emotional states, and their lack of adequate information, it is important for healthcare professionals to pay careful attention to the needs of patients throughout the process and provide patients with referrals to psychological services when needed. Our findings also indicate gaps in the informed consent process between patients and healthcare professionals that must be addressed by the latter.