Emotional Labour During the COVID-19 Pandemic—Current Inquiry and Suggested Future Research Directions

Management and Labour Studies, Volume 48, Issue 4, Page 560-577, November 2023.
The objective of this article is to examine the impact of macro-extreme emotional experience (MEEE) and the new societal norms during the COVID-19 pandemic on health and well-being and their situational consequences on emotional labour of frontline employees. The vast literature on emotional labour in the past has focused on several situational cues, and individual and organizational factors as antecedents. We did a systematic review of available literature on emotional labour, literature on sentiment analysis and emotional experience during the pandemic and analysed COVID-19 related blogs using Natural Language Processing (NLP) in RStudio. At the same time, we attempted to look at the possible intervention of individual factors of MEEEs and social aspects of the new societal norms as antecedents on emotion regulation process and its outcome and propose a conceptual framework for future research on emotional labour under the ‘new normal’. It was concluded that perceived risk, fear and anxiety are extreme emotions that individuals are experiencing during the pandemic.