Author Archives:
Cross-owners as monitors: more supervisory or distracted? Evidence from China
The causal relationship between income inequality and economic growth: evidence from panel data for Vietnam
How does digital finance affect rural capital misallocation? Evidence from China
The effect of the digital economy service industry on regional economic resilience: evidence from three major urban agglomerations in China
Markov-switching multifractal volatility spillovers among European stock markets during crisis periods
Comments on Exposure Draft for Proposed ISSA 5000, sustainability assurance engagements by the Auditing and Assurance Standards Committee of AFAANZ
The Exposure Draft for Proposed International Standard on Sustainability Assurance (ISSA) 5000 has been issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) because there is increasing demand by stakeholders for assurance of sustainability information. Our recommendations include: (i) a more flexible approach to ethics and quality management instead of the requirements for standards that are at least as demanding as the accounting profession's standards; (ii) more differentiation between the requirements for limited as opposed to reasonable assurance and (iii) more cautious use of the term materiality and clearer definitions of the different materiality concepts to avoid potential confusion.
The moderating effect of the interaction between joint audit and accounting conservatism on the association between corporate governance and corporate performance
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure and firm value: the role of competitive advantage as a mediator
Adult learners’ online distance learning experience in postgraduate business programme: a qualitative study in a public university in Malaysia