Is One Head Better Than Two? Dual Leadership and Firm Performance During the COVID‐19 Crisis

We provide novel evidence on the value of combined CEO and board chair positions (CEO duality) for firms during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Based on 4,840 firm-quarter observations from 1,210 unique firms in the US, we show that CEO duality firms outperformed non-duality firms by a 0.58% margin in quarterly return on assets in 2020, which is equivalent to an incremental annual net profit of US$164 million. A difference-in-difference estimation confirms that the benefit of CEO duality is observed only in the COVID-19 crisis period. Our main finding is robust to potential endogeneity concerns and alternative performance measures. Additional analyses show that the positive impact of CEO duality stems from the mechanisms of operating cost savings and working capital optimization during the crisis. Our finding underscores the benefit of CEO duality when economic uncertainty is high and a speedy decision is important.