Business Perspectives and Research, Ahead of Print.
Assertion of the word “sexual behavior” always creates a conflicting state of mind, as it is considered offensive, harassing, and harmful in nature. However, studies have determined it as an inevitable phenomenon that could be harmless and create a positive, enjoyable, and good work climate at the workplace. Considering this, the present study is aimed to determine the impact of social sexual behavior in two forms, that is, ambient sexual behavior and direct sexual behavior on various dimensions of employee wellbeing (work engagement, burnout, and job satisfaction). For the present study, 423 employees of the civil aviation industry have been surveyed working on different profiles. With the application of structural equation modeling, a statistical model has been developed and analyzed. The findings of the study have unveiled the black (negative) and white (positive) shades of social sexual behavior at the workplace. Ambient sexual behavior was found to reduce burnout among employees and enhances work engagement and job satisfaction. Further, the study has analyzed the negative relationship between direct social sexual behavior and the positive dimension of EWB (work engagement and job satisfaction). However, this relationship is found positive in concern to burnout.