Millennial Customer Engagement with Fintech Services: The Mediating Role of Trust

Business Perspectives and Research, Ahead of Print.
The study investigates the impacts of Fintech services (such as e-payment service (EPS), Robo-advisory, Regtech service (RTS), and financing service (FS)) on millennial customer engagement (CE) in the context of the private banking sector of Bangladesh. It also examines the mediating role of trust between Fintech services and CE relationships. Data for this study were collected through a structured survey questionnaire from 294 customers (only Fintech users) of different private banks in Bangladesh. The convenience sampling technique was used to select millennial customers. SPSS and SmartPLS software were used for data analysis. The results exhibited that EPS, Robo-advisory, and FS positively impact CE, while RTS was found insignificant with CE. Besides, customer trust (CT) mediates the relationships among EPSs, Robo-advisory, and FSs with CE. Conversely, CT does not mediate the RTS and CE relationship. The study findings contribute to the substantial pool of knowledge in Fintech services, CE, and consumer trust. Remarkably, the mediating role of CT between the Fintech services and CE relationship is the unique novelty of this study and will enrich the existing Fintech literature from Bangladesh’s perspective.