Green Human Resource Management and Employee Green Behaviour: Participation and Involvement, and Training and Development as Moderators

South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management, Ahead of Print.
The current study is aimed at exploring the effect of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) practices on employee green behaviour (EGB). We conducted this research in the context of one of the countries in the South Asian sub-continent, India. First, we developed a conceptual model based on the ability, motivation, and opportunity (AMO) framework and Social Identity Theory (SIT). Then, we tested the model with data collected from 191 faculty members in higher educational institutions in southern India. We first checked the instrument’s psychometric properties and tested the hypotheses using hierarchical regression. The results indicate that: (a) green recruitment strategies (GRS), green institutional initiatives (GII), and green performance management and appraisal (GPMA) positively impact EGB; and (b) EGB is positively related to employee green compensation and rewards (EGCR). The results also reveal that employee green participation and involvement (EGPI) and employee green training and development (EGTD) moderate the relationship between GRS, GII, GPMA, and EGB. The motivation stems from the need for present-day organisations to focus on a green environment and contribute to sustainability. The role of GHRM practices in stimulating employees to exhibit green behaviour is highlighted. The implications for GHRM theory and practice are discussed.