Volume 29, Issue 4, October 2023
Category Archives: Asia Pacific Business Review
Japan’s rise as a middle power, collaborations in the Indo-Pacific and partnerships with South Korea and India: implications for China’s Global Image & Belt and Road Initiative and the country’s expansion as a global power
How does the holistic cognitive frame influence radical innovation in China?
Will COVID-19 bury dreams of some overland routes of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative?
Strategic responses of regional economic organizations to the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative: the cases of ASEAN, EAEU, and EU
Strategic priorities for regional power connectivity in Asia in the overlapping of subregional initiatives and China’s global energy interconnection
The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative: strategic responses of governments and multinational companies
Fighting monopolies: the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, India, and the competition for the marketplace of international development
Motives behind Sino-Japanese strategic alliances in the new energy vehicles sector in the age of the Belt and Road Initiative
Chinese institutions and international expansion within the Belt and Road Initiative: firm capabilities of Chinese companies in the European Union