Category Archives: Asia Pacific Business Review
The impact of contextual distance on the investment locations of Chinese multinationals in countries along the Belt and Road initiative
Mediation of work engagement towards productive behaviour in remote work environments during pandemic: testing the job demands and resources model in Japan
Attitude formation towards green products evidence in Indonesia: integrating environment, culture, and religion
Transforming the liability of outsidership into assets of outsidership: a comparative study of Japanese automotive subsidiaries in Russia
Japan’s new ruralities: coping with decline in the periphery
How do organizations deal with crisis? A case study on improvisational behaviours of Chinese companies during the COVID-19 epidemic
Rising and thriving in the post COVID-19 era: a case study of COSMAX, a leader of the Korean cosmetic industry
China and the WTO: why multilateralism still matters
Activating assets of foreignness in compressed developing markets: evidence from New Zealand SMEs entering the Chinese market