Category Archives: Asia Pacific Business Review
People centric innovation ecosystem
Ecosystem-oriented business model design: a multi-case comparative analysis based on Chinese e-commerce enterprises
Digitalization of business models, knowledge management and green technology innovation of Chinese manufacturing enterprises: a mixed analysis based on the Haier COSMOPlat ecosystem
Impacts of regulatory strategies on member’s knowledge sharing in virtual brand communities based on ecosystem-oriented business models in China
Organizational unlearning and service innovation of Chinese service-oriented firms: the moderating role of knowledge integration
How do live-stream channels shape impulse buying behaviour? Empirical research on Vietnamese youth
Leave or not to leave? The impact of managerial work-life support and work engagement on the outcomes of work-to-life conflict for China’s new generation employees
Family governance and strategic orientation of family firms in China: an institutional logics perspective
The effects of differential organizational culture types on firm and individual performance in Eastern and Western cultural countries including China and the United States: a meta-analysis