Category Archives: Asia Pacific Business Review
Hierarchical business value of post-adoption cross-border e-commerce assimilation towards innovation performance: evidence from Malaysian manufacturing SMEs
Making sense out of almost nothing: entrepreneurial sensemaking and innovation in a Chinese biotechnology startup
Corporate philanthropy by foreign multinationals in developing countries in Asia: do local consumers truly matter?
The impacts of transformational leadership on emotional labour in Taiwanese private nonprofit long-term care institutions: the mediating role of psychological contract
Emerging business transnationalism in Singapore and China: governance, networks, and strategies
Strategic orientation, innovation, and the effects of entrepreneurial support mechanism in SMEs in South Korea: an application of subject-mechanism-performance congruence model
Examining the follower-related antecedents and effects of servant leadership in the PRC and Hong Kong
Internationalisation of Chinese enterprises: a comparative study of cross-border mergers and acquisitions
Ethical leadership in business: why it matters and how it is achieved