Embracing non‐Western Contexts in Management Scholarship
Management is a global phenomenon. Yet, the vast majority of empirical investigations and theoretical explanations of management, managers and those being managed that are published in leading management journals are based on research that predominantly originates from Western contexts, particularly the USA and the larger European countries. Non-Western contexts, in turn, reside at the periphery of mainstream management scholarship. This is problematic for multiple reasons. It provides an inherently limited view on the contextual factors that may explain variation in management practices across the globe, and it leads to a reductionist view of non-Western contexts to offer little more than a means for teasing out the boundary conditions of mainstream ‘Western’ theories. This exclusion of non-Western contexts has resulted in a marginalization of non-Western scholarly voices, who are often hesitant to submit their research to leading scholarly journals. To address these interrelated problems, we use this introduction to the Thematic Collection on ‘Embracing non-Western contexts’ in the Journal of Management Studies to call on scholars to more fully embrace non-Western contexts in their research, and in doing so, to unleash the explanatory potential of these contexts for our understanding of management.
Norm spillover? How environmental regulation in downstream industries affects upstream corporate environmental disclosure
Asymmetric dynamics between cryptocurrency uncertainty and the oil and gold markets: evidence from Granger causality in quantiles
Why individuals invested in China’s P2P lending market: an explanation based on categorization theory
Can The Spatial Structure of a Metropolitan Area Bring Regional Economic Benefits? — A Case Study of Melbourne
Being Aware of Death: How and when Mortality Cues Incite Leader Expediency Versus Servant Leadership Behaviour
The COVID-19 crisis has been associated with existential concerns regarding mortality. These concerns, described as ‘mortality cues’, can influence people's emotions, behaviours, and the quality of leadership in organizations. Using the contingency model of death awareness (CMDA; Grant and Wade-Benzoni, 2009), we provide new evidence on how mortality cues can incite negative and positive leadership behaviours via two forms of death awareness: death anxiety and death reflection. Specifically, we theorize that mortality cues can increase leader death anxiety, giving rise to leader expediency (a leader's use of unethical practices to expedite work for self-serving purposes); however, mortality cues can also facilitate leader death reflection and, consequently, servant leadership behaviour. We further suggest that leaders’ responses to mortality cues depend on their psychological capital (PsyCap), such that leaders with high (vs. low) PsyCap respond to mortality cues with less expediency (via death anxiety) and more servant leader behaviours (via death reflection). We support our hypotheses through three separate studies using an experiment, time-lagged data from healthcare workers, and daily diary data from non-healthcare professionals. We conclude that mortality cues have a double-edged influence on leadership behaviour. We also discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the findings.
Multi-scale dependence and risk contagion among international financial markets based on VMD-Vine copula-CoVaR
“I just want to stay here and sleep forever”: South African patients’ lived experiences of chronic fatigue in endometriosis
Chronic fatigue is a distressing symptom for endometriosis patients but is not widely investigated in the literature. Our aim was to explore patients’ lived experiences of chronic fatigue and how they make meaning of it. We analysed a subset of data from seven severely fatigued endometriosis patients, drawn from a broader qualitative study in South Africa, using an interpretive phenomenological analysis. Three superordinate themes and eight subordinate themes were developed. The three superordinate themes were powerlessness, which was a core aspect of the chronic fatigue experience among participants; struggle and anguish, as their lives had become a daily struggle resulting in feelings of despair and anger; and otherness, as they felt different from their peers due to the fatigue. The findings demonstrate the far-reaching effects that chronic fatigue has in the lives of endometriosis patients, including on their self-perception, and highlights the critical need for fatigue management strategies within treatment protocols.