Volume 11, Issue 1, January-December 2024
Exploring factors influencing supply chain performance: Role of supply chain resilience with mixed method approach empirical evidence from the Chinese healthcare Sector
Understanding customer experience over time and customer citizenship behavior in retail environment: The mediating role of customer brand relationship strength
Relationship between business information, business networking, access to finance and financial performance of social enterprises: Perspective of resource-based view and signalling theory
Shareholder value maximization via corporate ESG performance: evidence from mergers and acquisitions in China
Service Trade Liberalization, Trade Elasticities and Welfare
Preferences for punishments: explorations from a stated-choice experiment in Japan
How trade liberalization shapes pro-environmental behavior? An analysis of residents’ waste disposal in China
Share repurchases on trial: Large‐sample evidence on share price performance, executive compensation, and corporate investment
Financial Management, EarlyView.
Crisis Capital: Private Placements During COVID‐19
Equity issuance activity rose sharply across the corporate sector during the COVID-19 crisis. We use this period of unprecedented uncertainty to study the effects of financial distress on seasoned equity offering returns. We find that firms increased their reliance on placements during this period of economic turmoil, with, on average, significantly larger issues, steeper discounts, and a greater focus on debt repayment. We show firms at greater risk of financial distress during the pandemic benefit significantly from signalling debt repayment as a priority, with stronger announcement date returns.