Category Archives: Advances in Applied Probability
Normal approximation in total variation for statistics in geometric probability
We use Stein’s method to establish the rates of normal approximation in terms of the total variation distance for a large class of sums of score functions of samples arising from random events driven by a marked Poisson point process on . As in the study under the weaker Kolmogorov distance, the score functions are assumed to satisfy stabilisation and moment conditions. At the cost of an additional non-singularity condition, we show that the rates are in line with those under the Kolmogorov distance. We demonstrate the use of the theorems in four applications: Voronoi tessellations, k-nearest-neighbours graphs, timber volume, and maximal layers.
Continuous-time locally stationary time series models
We adapt the classical definition of locally stationary processes in discrete time (see e.g. Dahlhaus, ‘Locally stationary processes’, in Time Series Analysis: Methods and Applications (2012)) to the continuous-time setting and obtain equivalent representations in the time and frequency domains. From this, a unique time-varying spectral density is derived using the Wigner–Ville spectrum. As an example, we investigate time-varying Lévy-driven state space processes, including the class of time-varying Lévy-driven CARMA processes. First, the connection between these two classes of processes is examined. Considering a sequence of time-varying Lévy-driven state space processes, we then give sufficient conditions on the coefficient functions that ensure local stationarity with respect to the given definition.
No arbitrage and multiplicative special semimartingales
Consider a financial market with nonnegative semimartingales which does not need to have a numéraire. We are interested in the absence of arbitrage in the sense that no self-financing portfolio gives rise to arbitrage opportunities, where we are allowed to add a savings account to the market. We will prove that in this sense the market is free of arbitrage if and only if there exists an equivalent local martingale deflator which is a multiplicative special semimartingale. In this case, the additional savings account relates to the finite-variation part of the multiplicative decomposition of the deflator.
Upper large deviations for power-weighted edge lengths in spatial random networks
We study the large-volume asymptotics of the sum of power-weighted edge lengths in Poisson-based spatial random networks. In the regime
, we provide a set of sufficient conditions under which the upper-large-deviation asymptotics are characterized by a condensation phenomenon, meaning that the excess is caused by a negligible portion of Poisson points. Moreover, the rate function can be expressed through a concrete optimization problem. This framework encompasses in particular directed, bidirected, and undirected variants of the k-nearest-neighbor graph, as well as suitable
Homogenization of non-symmetric jump processes
We study homogenization for a class of non-symmetric pure jump Feller processes. The jump intensity involves periodic and aperiodic constituents, as well as oscillating and non-oscillating constituents. This means that the noise can come both from the underlying periodic medium and from external environments, and is allowed to have different scales. It turns out that the Feller process converges in distribution, as the scaling parameter goes to zero, to a Lévy process. As special cases of our result, some homogenization problems studied in previous works can be recovered. We also generalize the approach to the homogenization of symmetric stable-like processes with variable order. Moreover, we present some numerical experiments to demonstrate the usage of our homogenization results in the numerical approximation of first exit times.
On asymptotic fairness in voting with greedy sampling
The basic idea of voting protocols is that nodes query a sample of other nodes and adjust their own opinion throughout several rounds based on the proportion of the sampled opinions. In the classic model, it is assumed that all nodes have the same weight. We study voting protocols for heterogeneous weights with respect to fairness. A voting protocol is fair if the influence on the eventual outcome of a given participant is linear in its weight. Previous work used sampling with replacement to construct a fair voting scheme. However, it was shown that using greedy sampling, i.e., sampling with replacement until a given number of distinct elements is chosen, turns out to be more robust and performant.
In this paper, we study fairness of voting protocols with greedy sampling and propose a voting scheme that is asymptotically fair for a broad class of weight distributions. We complement our theoretical findings with numerical results and present several open questions and conjectures.
Local limits of spatial inhomogeneous random graphs
Consider a set of n vertices, where each vertex has a location in that is sampled uniformly from the unit cube in
, and a weight associated to it. Construct a random graph by placing edges independently for each vertex pair with a probability that is a function of the distance between the locations and the vertex weights.
Under appropriate integrability assumptions on the edge probabilities that imply sparseness of the model, after appropriately blowing up the locations, we prove that the local limit of this random graph sequence is the (countably) infinite random graph on with vertex locations given by a homogeneous Poisson point process, having weights which are independent and identically distributed copies of limiting vertex weights. Our set-up covers many sparse geometric random graph models from the literature, including geometric inhomogeneous random graphs (GIRGs), hyperbolic random graphs, continuum scale-free percolation, and weight-dependent random connection models.
We prove that the limiting degree distribution is mixed Poisson and the typical degree sequence is uniformly integrable, and we obtain convergence results on various measures of clustering in our graphs as a consequence of local convergence. Finally, as a byproduct of our argument, we prove a doubly logarithmic lower bound on typical distances in this general setting.
Asymptotic normality for $\boldsymbol{m}$-dependent and constrained $\boldsymbol{U}$-statistics, with applications to pattern matching in random strings and permutations
We study (asymmetric) -statistics based on a stationary sequence of
-dependent variables; moreover, we consider constrained
-statistics, where the defining multiple sum only includes terms satisfying some restrictions on the gaps between indices. Results include a law of large numbers and a central limit theorem, together with results on rate of convergence, moment convergence, functional convergence, and a renewal theory version.
Special attention is paid to degenerate cases where, after the standard normalization, the asymptotic variance vanishes; in these cases non-normal limits occur after a different normalization.
The results are motivated by applications to pattern matching in random strings and permutations. We obtain both new results and new proofs of old results.