Category Archives: Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation
Performance evaluation of estimators in the presence of outliers or omitted predictors: a study on the Poisson-Exponential regression model
Small-sample confidence interval estimation of the common mean value of a multivariate normal distribution
On the frequency domain composite likelihood methods for estimating space-time covariance functions for large datasets
A Bayesian Lasso based sparse learning model
An improved permutation-based FDR estimator for heavy-tailed data
Estimation of the common mean of two normal distributions using ranked set sampling and some of its variations
PICBayes: Bayesian proportional hazards models for partly interval-censored data
Robust statistical inference for varying-coefficient partially linear instrumental variable model based on modal regression
Estimating disease prevalence, diagnostic-test sensitivity and specificity under double-sampling design in the absence of a gold standard