Category Archives: Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation
Robust variable selection via nonconcave penalties with an upgraded parsimonious dynamic covariance modeling
A simulation study of the finite-sample performance of the sample scale curve as an estimator of its population counterpart
A report on the paper “xia cai, feng siman & yan liang (2022): generalized fiducial inference for the lower confidence limit of reliability based on weibull distribution, communications in statistics – simulation and computation, DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2022.2067873”
Influence of the three different types of standby components on the performance of a k–out–of–n:F system in the dynamic stress–strength model
Online change-point detection: a weighted sum approach with constraint and application to dynamic network observation
Accelerated failure time model based risk adjusted MA-EWMA control chart
Hybrid estimators of population mean in presence of non-response and correlated measurement errors
Copula-based probability for occurrence of the event due to one of dependent NHPPs before the other, past a truncated time
Effect of contaminated phase I data on the phase II – EWMA control chart performance under non-normality