Development of a semi empirical calculation approach for the determination of percentage depth dose in water for higher energy photon beams using a medical linear accelerator

Publication date: Available online 9 October 2023Source: Nuclear and Particle Physics ProceedingsAuthor(s): Elizebeth Joseph, P. Sowmya, Avin Kumar, Sruthi Sreenivasan Continue reading Development of a semi empirical calculation approach for the determination of percentage depth dose in water for higher energy photon beams using a medical linear accelerator

Case studies on radioactivity and decay heat contribution from coating materials of irradiated accident tolerant fuel for a typical PHWR

Publication date: Available online 9 October 2023Source: Nuclear and Particle Physics ProceedingsAuthor(s): Debashis Talukdar, Subrata Bera Continue reading Case studies on radioactivity and decay heat contribution from coating materials of irradiated accident tolerant fuel for a typical PHWR

Three-pion scattering: From the chiral Lagrangian to the lattice

Publication date: Available online 9 October 2023Source: Nuclear and Particle Physics ProceedingsAuthor(s): Jorge Baeza-Ballesteros, Johan Bijnens, Tomáš Husek, Fernando Romero-López, Stephen R. Sharpe, Mattias Sjö Continue reading Three-pion scattering: From the chiral Lagrangian to the lattice

Measurement of flux distribution of an AmBe neutron source and estimation of two group integral capture cross-sections

Publication date: Available online 9 October 2023Source: Nuclear and Particle Physics ProceedingsAuthor(s): Guruprasad, Sachin Shet, P.M. Prajapati, S.V. Suryanarayana, Meghna Karkera, K.V. Subbaiah, Y. Raviprakash, B.S. Shivashankar Continue reading Measurement of flux distribution of an AmBe neutron source and estimation of two group integral capture cross-sections

Overview of <u>M</u>ethod of Ch<u>A</u>racteristics based <u>N</u>eutron <u>TRA</u>nsport Code (MANTRA) and its validation

Publication date: Available online 9 October 2023Source: Nuclear and Particle Physics ProceedingsAuthor(s): Tanay Mazumdar, Tej Singh Continue reading Overview of <u>M</u>ethod of Ch<u>A</u>racteristics based <u>N</u>eutron <u>TRA</u>nsport Code (MANTRA) and its validation

Study of bremsstrahlung radiation coming from a transmission type x-ray generator and its application on EDXRF technique

Publication date: Available online 9 October 2023Source: Nuclear and Particle Physics ProceedingsAuthor(s): Soumya Chatterjee, Sumana Ghosh, D. Mitra Continue reading Study of bremsstrahlung radiation coming from a transmission type x-ray generator and its application on EDXRF technique

Analysis of serum trace elemental content in pre-post chemotherapy breast cancer patients using synchrotron radiation based X-ray fluorescence

Publication date: Available online 9 October 2023Source: Nuclear and Particle Physics ProceedingsAuthor(s): Gowri Naidu B., Srikanth S., M.K. Tiwari, Naga Raju G.J., Sarita P. Continue reading Analysis of serum trace elemental content in pre-post chemotherapy breast cancer patients using synchrotron radiation based X-ray fluorescence