Stability and safety analysis of mixed traffic flow considering network function degradation and platoon driving on the road with a slope

Publication date: Available online 5 October 2023Source: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its ApplicationsAuthor(s): Futao Zhang, Yongsheng Qian, Junwei Zeng, Dejie Xu, Haijun Li Continue reading Stability and safety analysis of mixed traffic flow considering network function degradation and platoon driving on the road with a slope

Ergodic observables in non-ergodic systems: The example of the harmonic chain

Publication date: Available online 5 October 2023Source: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its ApplicationsAuthor(s): Marco Baldovin, Raffaele Marino, Angelo Vulpiani Continue reading Ergodic observables in non-ergodic systems: The example of the harmonic chain

Electric field effects on N–Sm-<em>A</em>–Sm-<em>C</em> phase transitions

Publication date: Available online 4 October 2023Source: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its ApplicationsAuthor(s): D.C.S. de Melo, E.J.L. de Oliveira, L.R. Evangelista, Maria S.S. Pereira, I.N. de Oliveira Continue reading Electric field effects on N–Sm-<em>A</em>–Sm-<em>C</em> phase transitions

Fragmentation from group interactions: A higher-order adaptive voter model

Publication date: Available online 4 October 2023Source: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its ApplicationsAuthor(s): Nikos Papanikolaou, Renaud Lambiotte, Giacomo Vaccario Continue reading Fragmentation from group interactions: A higher-order adaptive voter model

Rigorous and simple results on very slow thermalization, or quasi-localization, of the disordered quantum chain

Publication date: Available online 5 October 2023Source: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its ApplicationsAuthor(s): Wojciech De Roeck, François Huveneers, Branko Meeus, Oskar A. Prośniak Continue reading Rigorous and simple results on very slow thermalization, or quasi-localization, of the disordered quantum chain

Global Ashkin–Teller phase diagrams in two and three dimensions: Multicritical bifurcation versus double tricriticality – endpoint

Publication date: Available online 7 October 2023Source: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its ApplicationsAuthor(s): Ibrahim Keçoğlu, A. Nihat Berker Continue reading Global Ashkin–Teller phase diagrams in two and three dimensions: Multicritical bifurcation versus double tricriticality – endpoint

Asymmetric rate of returns and wealth distribution influenced by the introduction of technical analysis into a behavioral agent-based model

Publication date: Available online 7 October 2023Source: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its ApplicationsAuthor(s): F.M. Stefan, A.P.F. Atman Continue reading Asymmetric rate of returns and wealth distribution influenced by the introduction of technical analysis into a behavioral agent-based model

Corrigendum to ‘An advanced control strategy for connected autonomous vehicles based on Micro simulation models at multiple intersections’ [Physica A., 623(2023) 128836]

Publication date: Available online 8 October 2023Source: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its ApplicationsAuthor(s): Jie Wang, Zhiyu Cai, Yaohui Chen, Peng Yang, Bokui Chen Continue reading Corrigendum to ‘An advanced control strategy for connected autonomous vehicles based on Micro simulation models at multiple intersections’ [Physica A., 623(2023) 128836]