Asymmetric BLOS constraint-involved intelligent integrated guidance and control approach for flight vehicle equipped with strapdown seeker

Publication date: Available online 9 August 2023Source: Advances in Space ResearchAuthor(s): Ningbo Lu, Jianguo Guo, Zongyi Guo, Guoqing Wang Continue reading Asymmetric BLOS constraint-involved intelligent integrated guidance and control approach for flight vehicle equipped with strapdown seeker

Wave Perturbations in Earth’s Thermosphere in Conjunction with X1.7 Solar Flare: Observational Perspective

Publication date: Available online 22 August 2023Source: Advances in Space ResearchAuthor(s): RP Aswathy, Edwin V Davis, KR Krishna Prakash Continue reading Wave Perturbations in Earth’s Thermosphere in Conjunction with X1.7 Solar Flare: Observational Perspective

Applying Support Vector Machine (SVM) using GPS-TEC and Space Weather parameters to distinguish ionospheric disturbances possibly related to earthquakes

Publication date: Available online 22 August 2023Source: Advances in Space ResearchAuthor(s): Angela Melgarejo-Morales, G. Esteban Vazquez-Becerra, J.R. Millan-Almaraz, Carlos A. Martinez-Felix, Munawar Shah Continue reading Applying Support Vector Machine (SVM) using GPS-TEC and Space Weather parameters to distinguish ionospheric disturbances possibly related to earthquakes

Fault-tolerant attitude coordination control for multiple flexible spacecraft using vector measurements

Publication date: 15 September 2023Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 72, Issue 6Author(s): Zhong Zheng, Ti Chen, Feng Zhou, Qingxian Jia, Peng Li Continue reading Fault-tolerant attitude coordination control for multiple flexible spacecraft using vector measurements

LEO navigation augmentation constellation design and precise point positioning performance analysis based on BDS-3

Publication date: 15 September 2023Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 72, Issue 6Author(s): Yuehao Teng, Xiaolin Jia, Ge Peng Continue reading LEO navigation augmentation constellation design and precise point positioning performance analysis based on BDS-3

A method of using back propagation neural network to estimate orbital lifetime of LEO satellites

Publication date: 15 September 2023Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 72, Issue 6Author(s): Tao Li, Yi Li, Shengwei Lan, Leisheng Ren Continue reading A method of using back propagation neural network to estimate orbital lifetime of LEO satellites

Reentry blackout reachable set footprint prediction using multi-phase trajectory optimization

Publication date: 15 September 2023Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 72, Issue 6Author(s): Mingkai Wang, Hongqiang Sun, Shuguang Zhang Continue reading Reentry blackout reachable set footprint prediction using multi-phase trajectory optimization

Improved real-time cycle-slip detection for Low Earth Orbit satellites based on the dynamic force model

Publication date: 15 September 2023Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 72, Issue 6Author(s): Geng Gao, Xiancai Zou, Shoujian Zhang, Hui Wei, Kaifa Kuang, Kemin Zhu Continue reading Improved real-time cycle-slip detection for Low Earth Orbit satellites based on the dynamic force model

Application of additional inflatable aerodynamic device to ensure the required degradation of the disposal orbit of large-size space debris

Publication date: 15 September 2023Source: Advances in Space Research, Volume 72, Issue 6Author(s): G.A. Shcheglov, A.A. Baranov, D.A. Grishko, S.G. Ivanov, M.V. Stognii Continue reading Application of additional inflatable aerodynamic device to ensure the required degradation of the disposal orbit of large-size space debris