The “Null-A” superintegrability for monomial matrix models
Publication date: February 2023Source: Annals of Physics, Volume 449Author(s): S. Barseghyan, A. Popolitov Continue reading The “Null-A” superintegrability for monomial matrix models
Publication date: February 2023Source: Annals of Physics, Volume 449Author(s): S. Barseghyan, A. Popolitov Continue reading The “Null-A” superintegrability for monomial matrix models
Publication date: February 2023Source: Annals of Physics, Volume 449Author(s): Roberto Casadio, Alexander Kamenshchik, Iberê Kuntz Continue reading Background independence and field redefinitions in quantum gravity
Publication date: February 2023Source: Annals of Physics, Volume 449Author(s): A.A. Mazanik, Ya.V. Fominov Continue reading Peculiarities of the density of states in SN junctions
Publication date: February 2023Source: Annals of Physics, Volume 449Author(s): Nadia Benlakhouy, Ahmed Jellal, Hocine Bahlouli Continue reading Floquet Hofstadter butterfly in trilayer graphene with a twisted top layer
Publication date: Available online 21 January 2023Source: Annals of PhysicsAuthor(s): Alvaro Ferraz, Evgenii Kochetov Continue reading Connection between the Kitaev chain and the Gutzwiller-projected BCS model
Publication date: Available online 14 January 2023Source: Annals of PhysicsAuthor(s): Francisco Borges, Anton Borissov, Ashutosh Singh, Andrés Schlief, Sung-Sik Lee Continue reading Field-theoretic functional renormalization group formalism for non-Fermi liquids and its application to the antiferromagnetic quantum critical metal in two dimensions
Publication date: March 2023Source: Annals of Physics, Volume 450Author(s): Zahra Mirzaiyan, Giampiero Esposito Continue reading Generating rotating black hole solutions by using the Cayley–Dickson construction
Publication date: February 2023Source: Annals of Physics, Volume 449Author(s): Francisco M. Fernández Continue reading Comment on “Confined Klein–Gordon oscillators in Minkowski spacetime and a pseudo-Minkowski spacetime with a space-like dislocation: PDM KG-oscillators, isospectrality and invariance”
Publication date: February 2023Source: Annals of Physics, Volume 449Author(s): G.E. Volovik Continue reading Painlevé–Gullstrand coordinates for Schwarzschild–de Sitter spacetime
Publication date: February 2023Source: Annals of Physics, Volume 449Author(s): Wei He, Chang-Yong Liu Continue reading Oscillatory states of quantum Kapitza pendulum