Comparative study of electron beam and gamma ray irradiation effects in RPC glass detector materials by positron lifetime spectroscopy

Publication date: Available online 9 October 2023Source: Nuclear and Particle Physics ProceedingsAuthor(s): K.V. Aneesh Kumar, A.P. Gnana Prakash, M. Raghavendra, S. Ningaraju, M.P. Boranna, H.B. Ravikumar Continue reading Comparative study of electron beam and gamma ray irradiation effects in RPC glass detector materials by positron lifetime spectroscopy

Mapping of uranium in groundwater of Mysuru district, Karnataka, India and radiation dose to the population

Publication date: Available online 9 October 2023Source: Nuclear and Particle Physics ProceedingsAuthor(s): Lavanya B.S.K., Namitha S.N., Mohamed Hidayath, Prathibha B.S., Chandrashekara M.S. Continue reading Mapping of uranium in groundwater of Mysuru district, Karnataka, India and radiation dose to the population

Multi-differential measurement of the dijet cross section in proton-proton collisions at <math xmlns:mml=”” altimg=”si1.svg” class=”math”><msqrt><mrow><mi>s</mi></mrow></msqrt><mo linebreak=”goodbreak” linebreakstyle=”after”>=</mo><mn>13</mn><mspace width=”0.25em”></mspace><mtext>TeV</mtext></math>

Publication date: Available online 9 October 2023Source: Nuclear and Particle Physics ProceedingsAuthor(s): Polidamas Georgios Kosmoglou Kioseoglou, CMS Collaboration Continue reading Multi-differential measurement of the dijet cross section in proton-proton collisions at <math xmlns:mml=”” altimg=”si1.svg” class=”math”><msqrt><mrow><mi>s</mi></mrow></msqrt><mo linebreak=”goodbreak” linebreakstyle=”after”>=</mo><mn>13</mn><mspace width=”0.25em”></mspace><mtext>TeV</mtext></math>

Exploring electronic properties of zinc oxide using pure and hybrid density functional theory and Compton profiles

Publication date: Available online 9 October 2023Source: Nuclear and Particle Physics ProceedingsAuthor(s): O.P. Soni, N.L. Heda, B.L. Ahuja Continue reading Exploring electronic properties of zinc oxide using pure and hybrid density functional theory and Compton profiles

Evaluation of the thermal neutron capture cross section and the resonance integral of the <sup>70</sup>Zn(n,<em>γ</em>)<math xmlns:mml=”” altimg=”si1.svg” class=”math”><msup><mrow></mrow><mrow><mn>71</mn><mi>m</mi></mrow></msup></math>Zn reaction

Publication date: Available online 9 October 2023Source: Nuclear and Particle Physics ProceedingsAuthor(s): B. Satheesh Continue reading Evaluation of the thermal neutron capture cross section and the resonance integral of the <sup>70</sup>Zn(n,<em>γ</em>)<math xmlns:mml=”” altimg=”si1.svg” class=”math”><msup><mrow></mrow><mrow><mn>71</mn><mi>m</mi></mrow></msup></math>Zn reaction

Multigroup form of simplified spherical harmonics (SP<sub>N</sub>) equations for neutron transport

Publication date: Available online 9 October 2023Source: Nuclear and Particle Physics ProceedingsAuthor(s): Abhishek Mishra, Aditi Ray, Tej Singh Continue reading Multigroup form of simplified spherical harmonics (SP<sub>N</sub>) equations for neutron transport

Estimation of gamma shielding parameters for heat resistant super alloys using inhouse IGShield code

Publication date: Available online 9 October 2023Source: Nuclear and Particle Physics ProceedingsAuthor(s): M.R. Priya, L. Thilagam, S. Renuga, D.K. Mohapatra Continue reading Estimation of gamma shielding parameters for heat resistant super alloys using inhouse IGShield code