Least‐squares reverse time migration based on an efficient pure qP‐wave equation
Geophysical Prospecting, EarlyView. Continue reading Least‐squares reverse time migration based on an efficient pure qP‐wave equation
Geophysical Prospecting, EarlyView. Continue reading Least‐squares reverse time migration based on an efficient pure qP‐wave equation
Contributions to Plasma Physics, EarlyView. Continue reading On the Klimontovich description of complex (dusty) plasmas
Geophysical Prospecting, EarlyView. Continue reading Mirror tomography of sparse ocean‐bottom seismometer data: Two‐dimensional synthetic studies
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Contributions to Plasma Physics, EarlyView. Continue reading Dynamic structure factor and excitation spectrum of the one‐component plasma: The case of weak to moderate magnetization
Geophysical Prospecting, EarlyView. Continue reading Stress tensor double dot product imaging condition for elastic reverse time migration
Geophysical Prospecting, EarlyView. Continue reading Random noise attenuation of ocean bottom seismometers based on a substep deep denoising autoencoder
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Geophysical Prospecting, EarlyView. Continue reading Full waveform inversion based on inversion network reparameterized velocity