Ergodic sampling: Acquisition design to maximize information from limited samples
Geophysical Prospecting, Accepted Article. Continue reading Ergodic sampling: Acquisition design to maximize information from limited samples
Geophysical Prospecting, Accepted Article. Continue reading Ergodic sampling: Acquisition design to maximize information from limited samples
Geophysical Prospecting, EarlyView. Continue reading Permeability evolution in fine‐grained Aji granite during triaxial compression experiments
Geophysical Prospecting, EarlyView. Continue reading Deghosting dual‐component streamer data using demigration‐based supervised learning
Contributions to Plasma Physics, EarlyView. Continue reading Experimental study on the characteristics of V‐type arc plasma torch with four electrodes
Geophysical Prospecting, EarlyView. Continue reading A study on bubble suppression for deep marine reflection data acquired by a small airgun array
Contributions to Plasma Physics, EarlyView. Continue reading Collective bulk excitations in the QGP: From the weakly non‐ideal case to the strong correlation limit
Geophysical Prospecting, EarlyView. Continue reading High‐resolution reservoir stochastic modelling based on optimized estimation of vertical autocorrelation
Geophysical Prospecting, EarlyView. Continue reading Focal deblending: Marine data processing experiences
Geophysical Prospecting, EarlyView. Continue reading Identification of interbedded gas hydrate and free gas using amplitude versus offset forward modelling