Algebraic infection of charge correlations at the ionic critical point
Contributions to Plasma Physics, EarlyView. Continue reading Algebraic infection of charge correlations at the ionic critical point
Contributions to Plasma Physics, EarlyView. Continue reading Algebraic infection of charge correlations at the ionic critical point
Geophysical Prospecting, EarlyView. Continue reading Research on the characteristics of fluid escape near the seabed in Bohai Bay
Contributions to Plasma Physics, EarlyView. Continue reading Thermodynamic and transport properties of plasmas: Low‐density benchmarks
Geophysical Prospecting, EarlyView. Continue reading Deep learning for noise attenuation from the ocean bottom node 4C data
Contributions to Plasma Physics, EarlyView. Continue reading Time‐dependent charged particle stopping in quantum plasmas: testing the G1–G2 scheme for quasi‐one‐dimensional systems
Contributions to Plasma Physics, EarlyView. Continue reading Like‐charge attraction in one‐and two‐dimensional Coulomb systems
Geophysical Prospecting, EarlyView. Continue reading Multi‐scale elastic full‐waveform inversion in a hybrid domain based on deconvolution objective function
Geophysical Prospecting, EarlyView. Continue reading Shale distribution effects on the joint elastic–electrical properties in reservoir sandstone