Feasible set estimation under functional uncertainty by Gaussian Process modelling

Publication date: December 2023Source: Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Volume 455Author(s): Mohamed Reda El Amri, Céline Helbert, Miguel Munoz Zuniga, Clémentine Prieur, Delphine Sinoquet Continue reading Feasible set estimation under functional uncertainty by Gaussian Process modelling

Data-driven inference of low order representations of observable dynamics for an airfoil model

Publication date: Available online 5 October 2023Source: Physica D: Nonlinear PhenomenaAuthor(s): Adharaa Neelim Dewanjee, Samir Sahyoun, Seddik Djouadi, Dan Wilson Continue reading Data-driven inference of low order representations of observable dynamics for an airfoil model