Three‐dimensional assessment of interfractional cervical and uterine motions using daily magnetic resonance images to determine margins and timing of replanning

Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, Volume 24, Issue 10, October 2023. Continue reading Three‐dimensional assessment of interfractional cervical and uterine motions using daily magnetic resonance images to determine margins and timing of replanning

A clinical application of fair value estimate (FVE) for R50%: Separating overlapping 50% isodose volumes in single isocenter multiple targets SRS

Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, Volume 24, Issue 10, October 2023. Continue reading A clinical application of fair value estimate (FVE) for R50%: Separating overlapping 50% isodose volumes in single isocenter multiple targets SRS

Triggering daily online adaptive radiotherapy in the pelvis: Dosimetric effects and procedural implications of trigger parameter‐value selection

Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, Volume 24, Issue 10, October 2023. Continue reading Triggering daily online adaptive radiotherapy in the pelvis: Dosimetric effects and procedural implications of trigger parameter‐value selection