Image simulation and realism evaluation for mammography and tomosynthesis based on the detailed breast phantom

Publication date: December 2023Source: Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Volume 213Author(s): Jiahao Wang, Yeqi Liu, Ankang Hu, Shuoyang Wei, Tao Wu, Junli Li, Rui Qiu Continue reading Image simulation and realism evaluation for mammography and tomosynthesis based on the detailed breast phantom

Void fraction prediction using prompt gamma neutron activation analysis and artificial intelligence

Publication date: December 2023Source: Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Volume 213Author(s): William Luna Salgado, Roos Sophia de Freitas Dam, Ademir Xavier da Silva, César Marques Salgado Continue reading Void fraction prediction using prompt gamma neutron activation analysis and artificial intelligence

Multiple scattering calculations for proton beams: Comparison of results from the general-purpose Monte Carlo codes <span class=”small-caps”>penh</span>, <span class=”small-caps”>fluka</span> and <span class=”small-caps”>topas</span>

Publication date: December 2023Source: Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Volume 213Author(s): J.A. de la Torre, A.M. Plaza, A.M. Lallena, F. Salvat, M. Anguiano Continue reading Multiple scattering calculations for proton beams: Comparison of results from the general-purpose Monte Carlo codes <span class=”small-caps”>penh</span>, <span class=”small-caps”>fluka</span> and <span class=”small-caps”>topas</span>

Elastic, mechanical, and radiation shielding behaviors of copper-phosphate binary-glasses with diverse copper valence-states: <math xmlns:mml=”” altimg=”si1.svg” class=”math”><mrow><mi>R</mi><mrow><mo stretchy=”true”>(</mo><mrow><mi>C</mi><msup><mi>u</mi><mo linebreak=”badbreak”>+</mo></msup></mrow><mo stretchy=”true”>)</mo></mrow><mo linebreak=”goodbreak” linebreakstyle=”after”>=</mo><mi>C</mi><msup><mi>u</mi><mo linebreak=”badbreak”>+</mo></msup><mo linebreak=”goodbreak” linebreakstyle=”after”>/</mo><mrow><mo stretchy=”true”>(</mo><mrow><mi>C</mi><msup><mi>u</mi><mo linebreak=”badbreak”>+</mo></msup><mo linebreak=”badbreak”>+</mo><mi>C</mi><msup><mi>u</mi><mrow><mo>+</mo><mo linebreak=”badbreak”>+</mo></mrow></msup></mrow><mo stretchy=”true”>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math>

Publication date: December 2023Source: Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Volume 213Author(s): F. Afaneh, Hanan Al-Ghamdi, Norah A.M. Alsaif, R.A. Elsad, Y.S. Rammah, Z.Y. Khattari Continue reading Elastic, mechanical, and radiation shielding behaviors of copper-phosphate binary-glasses with diverse copper valence-states: <math xmlns:mml=”” altimg=”si1.svg” class=”math”><mrow><mi>R</mi><mrow><mo stretchy=”true”>(</mo><mrow><mi>C</mi><msup><mi>u</mi><mo linebreak=”badbreak”>+</mo></msup></mrow><mo stretchy=”true”>)</mo></mrow><mo linebreak=”goodbreak” linebreakstyle=”after”>=</mo><mi>C</mi><msup><mi>u</mi><mo linebreak=”badbreak”>+</mo></msup><mo linebreak=”goodbreak” linebreakstyle=”after”>/</mo><mrow><mo stretchy=”true”>(</mo><mrow><mi>C</mi><msup><mi>u</mi><mo linebreak=”badbreak”>+</mo></msup><mo linebreak=”badbreak”>+</mo><mi>C</mi><msup><mi>u</mi><mrow><mo>+</mo><mo linebreak=”badbreak”>+</mo></mrow></msup></mrow><mo stretchy=”true”>)</mo></mrow></mrow></math>

The effect of media to reduce irradiation dose in crosslinking of self-assembled molecular layers

Publication date: December 2023Source: Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Volume 213Author(s): Ena Pezic, Helena Mijic, Branka Mihaljevic, Katarina Marusic Continue reading The effect of media to reduce irradiation dose in crosslinking of self-assembled molecular layers

Experimental and simulated etched track profiles for two relativistic ions treated under different etching conditions: How to shape different track envelopes

Publication date: December 2023Source: Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Volume 213Author(s): E.M. Awad, E. Bebers, M. Abu-Shady, A. Habib, S. Hassan, M. Fromm Continue reading Experimental and simulated etched track profiles for two relativistic ions treated under different etching conditions: How to shape different track envelopes

A preliminary appraisal for utilizing abandoned industrial side streams as alternatives to cement within radiation protection applications

Publication date: December 2023Source: Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Volume 213Author(s): Recep Kurtulus, Cansu Kurtulus Continue reading A preliminary appraisal for utilizing abandoned industrial side streams as alternatives to cement within radiation protection applications