Automated prognosis of renal function decline in ADPKD patients using deep learning

Publication date: Available online 21 August 2023Source: Zeitschrift für Medizinische PhysikAuthor(s): Anish Raj, Fabian Tollens, Anna Caroli, Dominik Nörenberg, Frank G. Zöllner Continue reading Automated prognosis of renal function decline in ADPKD patients using deep learning

Radiation-induced double-strand breaks by internal <em>ex vivo</em> irradiation of lymphocytes: Validation of a Monte Carlo simulation model using GATE and Geant4-DNA

Publication date: Available online 18 August 2023Source: Zeitschrift für Medizinische PhysikAuthor(s): Maikol Salas-Ramirez, Lydia Maigne, Giovanna Fois, Harry Scherthan, Michael Lassmann, Uta Eberlein Continue reading Radiation-induced double-strand breaks by internal <em>ex vivo</em> irradiation of lymphocytes: Validation of a Monte Carlo simulation model using GATE and Geant4-DNA

Feature-guided deep learning reduces signal loss and increases lesion CNR in diffusion-weighted imaging of the liver

Publication date: Available online 4 August 2023Source: Zeitschrift für Medizinische PhysikAuthor(s): Tobit Führes, Marc Saake, Jennifer Lorenz, Hannes Seuss, Sebastian Bickelhaupt, Michael Uder, Frederik Bernd Laun Continue reading Feature-guided deep learning reduces signal loss and increases lesion CNR in diffusion-weighted imaging of the liver

Wavelength-dependent error minimization for quantitative spectroscopic photoacoustic tomography with a ring-array system

Publication date: August 2023Source: Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, Volume 33, Issue 3Author(s): Alexander Pattyn, Yan Yan, Mohammad Mehrmohammadi Continue reading Wavelength-dependent error minimization for quantitative spectroscopic photoacoustic tomography with a ring-array system

Generation, validation, and benchmarking of a commercial independent Monte Carlo calculation beam model for multi-target SRS

Publication date: Available online 14 September 2023Source: Zeitschrift für Medizinische PhysikAuthor(s): Justus Adamson, Brett G. Erickson, Chunhao Wang, Yunfeng Cui, Markus Alber, John Kirkpatrick, Fang-Fang Yin Continue reading Generation, validation, and benchmarking of a commercial independent Monte Carlo calculation beam model for multi-target SRS

Assessment of resolution and noise in magnetic resonance images reconstructed by data driven approaches

Publication date: Available online 9 September 2023Source: Zeitschrift für Medizinische PhysikAuthor(s): Jonas Kleineisel, Katja Lauer, Alfio Borzì, Thorsten A. Bley, Herbert Köstler, Tobias Wech Continue reading Assessment of resolution and noise in magnetic resonance images reconstructed by data driven approaches